
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Back at Square One

I am embarrassed to be typing this blog post but I believe it is necessary.  I have completely fallen off of my pedestal of running and staying focused on being in shape.  I cannot seem to get the motivation I need to workout and eat healthy except that my body feels awful so I go out to get a run in just to feel a little better.  It seems I cannot find the motivation to run unless I have something to run for.  Without a race, or someone to share the same passion with, what do I do?

I have been in search for a 5-K, 10-K, Half-marathon, or Full-marathon ever since I posted my blog, "Post Race Blues".  I found quite a few but haven't picked one to actually run in.  I'm running in a 5-K in August with one of my dear friends but other than that I don't have anything else to do.  I can still run a 5-K but my time isn't what I want it to be.  I am putting that on myself because 1. I haven't been running like I should and 2. I haven't been eating like a should.  And I won't be running the race in August for time so I don't see the point in practicing speed.

But in reality that is exactly what I should be doing.  Since I'm bored with myself and my workouts, I need to incorporate speed work to keep myself entertained.  But more importantly I need to change my diet.  I have never been able to grasp the concept of diets.  If I workout, why should I diet? Well, going on my run today made me realize that I have to give my body the nutrients it needs to function.  If I feed it all this bad stuff my body rejects it and cramps up.  

I feel like everyone losses focus every once in a while.  Maybe not as often as me but I know Jillian Michaels has to slip up sometimes and so do you.  It's okay as long as we realize what we are doing wrong and fix it.  I am trying this new app on my phone called MyFitnessPal.  It is keeping me accountable to what I eat.  You can add friends on it so they can keep you accountable too.  If you find yourself having trouble, add me.  I'm the worst when it comes to sweets which I'm realizing now needs to be cut out of my diet completely.  My body does not like sweets, even though my mind and mouth thoroughly enjoy them.  Try and regain focus even if there is nothing you have to work for.  Work on yourself.  Stay focused on yourself because in reality working out and dieting is all for you.  The only way you can continue a diet or exercise is for yourself.  Just know that everyone slips up.  Don't let yourself slip up so much that you can't regain control over yourself.

Taking the reigns,


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cumulative Finals

The dreaded week of finals is finally here.  Everyone on campus is heading to the library, loading up on caffeine and bad food, and cramming for all the classes they didn't really learn anything all semester until last week when their professor said, "It's cumulative."

I understand the need for finals but does it have to be that stressful?  For the most part, I think we (as students) put the stress upon ourselves.  You have all semester to study for this one test.  Learn the material the first time and it won't be as hard to study for.  Or actually go to class and listen to what the professor has to say because they might just give you the answer to the final.  But why do finals have to be cumulative? Oh that's right, professors want to make sure we got the whole concept of the class and actually retained the information for 16 weeks! Well then my question is, why did you test us three times during the year? We obvious either got it or didn't on the past tests so why make us retest on the same information?

Luckily, only two out of the four of my finals are cumulative and of course they are going to be my hardest ones.  But surprisingly, I'm not stressing this semester.  It might be because I'm completely burnt out or that my classes are actually interesting and apply to my future jobs that I can retain the information a lot easier.  BUT guess what? My two cumulative finals are both in subjects I would only use in real life and not in my field of study.  Surprise, surprise. But another cool thing about one of my classes is instead of a final we got a hands on experience (THE Hospitality Gala) and our grade is based on how well we executed the event (we raised $200,000!).  Like someone said in my class today, "The money we raised goes TO the college.  They should GIVE us an A!" haha So hopefully, that class won't be a worry.

But to all you people freaking out about the cumulative finals, good luck studying in RBD where everyone else is going to be... not studying.  Studying is not communicating with your BFF that's in Italy on Skype.  Actually sticking your nose in a textbook is the only thing that is going to help you pass your finals.  But to all you people who can actually get things done at the library, I commend you.  My dining room table will work just fine for me.  Good luck on finals and just think, YOU'RE ALMOST DONE!

Waiting for summer,


Monday, April 25, 2011

My Past is My Past

I loved being a kid.  Elementary school could not have gotten any better.  Middle school was all fun and games and I met some great people.  High school was a different story as most of you already know.  It was the darkest time of my life at least the last year.  College I have redeemed myself and I am who I want to be.

Growing up has been (is) a great learning experience.  It is one of the reasons my blog is titled "Running Through Life".  I catch myself wishing my life away just to get to bigger and better things when in reality I should live in the present.  These past three years have been spectacular and I wouldn't trade anything for them in the world.

Going home, I realized how much things change.  Easter Sunday was a fabulous day to spend with family but the whole weekend consisted of seeing things/people from my past.  I believe things happen for a reason.  People are in your life for a reason and they make it to the future because that's where they are suppose to be.  Playing games with people in high school should not have been a way of life.  I and other people burned a lot of bridges that will NEVER be rebuilt.  Honestly, I could careless about those bridges being burnt because I see a bright and happy future ahead of me.

Keep your head held high if there is something that brings you down.  Don't let your past creep back up and bring you to that dark place.  Whether that be people, decisions you made, or barriers you broke through.  You can be as strong as you set your mind to be.  Believing in yourself and having the confidence to keep yourself going is how you will prevail! I believe in myself and the things/people that are in my life now.  I'm not looking back for one second because it will only hold me back.  Tear down everything that is holding you back and know that you can do anything you set your mind too! Get out there and make something of yourself.  Your past is in the past.  It may creep up every now and then but don't let it phase you.  Dream bigger, laugh more, and don't live in resentment, regret, and darkness.  It isn't going to do anything for you but waste your precious time here on this Earth!

Living life to the fullest,


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter everyone!  What does Easter mean to you?  As a child, Easter is the easter bunny, dying eggs, and eating lots of candy.  For teenagers, it's finding the perfect outfit to wear.  For adults, it's spending time with loved ones.  But for everyone it SHOULD be about the risen Christ.

I experienced Easter in a different way this year.  We didn't do Easter baskets (yes, I'm 21 and we still did Easter baskets until last year.)  Mom and Dad still got us great gifts (Thanks for the grill!) but it wasn't about that for me.  I was able to focus on the deeper meaning.  I have been a christian since I was in the second grade.  Christ has always been apart of my life and we have had this come and go kind of relationship.  Well He has never left, but I have strayed.  The sermon at church today touched me in a way that an Easter sermon might not touch everyone else.  I have been keeping Christ hidden.  I only seek Him when I'm in trouble.  I have to learn to live a life through Him all the time and not just when I need His loving and saving grace.

My family supports me through the thick and thin.  My parents use to say "If we can just get her raised, she will be just fine."  Well, I think they are still raising me and always will be.  I learn more and more from them every time I talk to them.  Their relationship is like no other marriage.  I am so blessed to have my parents still together.  My parents always have the right answers and know exactly what to say to make me feel better or feel loved and supported.  A child could not ask for anything better.  Jesus gave me my parents because he knew they would be able to handle all my screw ups and He has given them the perfect tool to make me who I am today.  That tool was keeping me in church.

I have learned so much from my parents and my church.  I am still confused on the whole religion thing but I know I believe in the risen Savior.  That is truly all that matters.  I hope I can continue to keep God out of the tomb and live my life to be pleasing to Him!  My Lord is good and His mercy endures forever!

God bless,


Thursday, April 21, 2011


God made each and every one of us completely different.  There are not two of the same people on this Earth.  So why do people try to be like other people?  Why not be who you are and be proud of it?  Why do we try so hard to be something that we aren't?

Being an individual does not mean just looks.  I'm talking about personality, hobbies, and more! Every aspect of our live should be about us and not what other people want you to do.  Make your own decisions and be proud in what you choose.  Yes, you should be considerate but you should never alter yourself to be something that you do not want to be.

I have always considered myself to be pretty independent but as I take a look at my life I was only independent up until high school and as soon as I stepped into the sea of people four years older than me and all my friends were changing, my body was changing, and my interest were changing, I haven't been that independent.  In ninth grade, I thought it was crucial to have a boyfriend.  Without a boyfriend, I thought I would be no one!  While the first year was great and fun, I should have ended it when things took a wrong turn.  My senior year, I was determined to be single and just have a lot of friends.  That back fired and I dated a few people and had zero friends my age.  I became dependent on my family and didn't know who I was or what I wanted to be.  Coming to college was an opportunity to become myself again and for the first four months that is exactly what I did.  I was never more myself than I was in those first four months of college.  I learned a lot about myself and who I wanted to be in the next four years and after college.  Then I had my first college boyfriend and I went right back into my old ways of being dependent on him, my friends not liking him (for good reason), and no longer being who I wanted to be.  After that relationship ended, I felt myself slowly coming back to old self.  

Then I met my current boyfriend and I was NOT going to let myself not be me.  After dating for six months, I was still me.  That was impressive in itself.  Now we have been together for a year and some odd months and I'm pretty much still me.  I'm a better version of myself that's for sure but he brings out the best in me and for the most part I'm independent.  I'm just scared to take that leap of faith in doing things by myself in unknown territory.  He is my comfort zone and reaching beyond that is nerve racking.  Next year, we will both have job offers (fingers crossed) and they could be on opposite ends of the country or they could be together.  Who knows.  But I need to be willing to be my own person and know that everything is going to be okay.  Family and friends are my rock and having those people around me make me confident in who I am.  Being alone in this big world can be intimidating.  BUT I am still me and I will always stay true to who I am and what I want to do/be.  Do not be afraid (like me) to take that leap of faith.  I am working on it and hope to continue to grow and become the woman I want to be in life.  Be yourself and do NOT let anyone change you.

Stay true,


Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Diversity seems to keep coming up in my life.  Being an Orientation Leader, we are trained to deal with diversity.  There is a session students are required to go to titled "Learning for Life".  When you see this on the schedule most students think it's a session for tips on how to survive in college (at least that's what I think); until you sit in on that session.  It is actually a session run by the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs.  In this session, everyone is asked to participate and the leader asks random questions about where everyone is from, what college they are transferring from, how many students did they graduate from, etc. and in that room alone there are so many different types of people and there are only 50+ people.  It's fascinating to see all the different responses.

Yesterday, I picked up my yearbook and turned through the first couple of pages.  In the yearbook, is a letter from the university's president addressing the topic of diversity.  Auburn is continuing to grow in diversity and is all the way to 17% which is not a lot compared to some universities but I consider it quite impressive.  In his letter, he states that every student should have the opportunity to travel abroad and study because it will help us grow and learn about different cultures.  Every college on Auburn's campus (100%) offers a study abroad program.  My college has a university in Italy especially for Human Science studies.  Very neat!

But why do we need to be more cultured?  Why is diversity so important? When I was younger, this topic didn't seem to be at the top of the list of things you must know.  Because the world is becoming so globalized, it is imperative students know how to communicate with different people.  I currently work in a very diverse atmosphere.  There are students I work with studying in the United States all the way from South Korea to learn and take back what they learned to their country.  Even though this is the United States of America we must be more willing to accept diversity.  Our country is not just Americans! An American could be almost anyone know a days.

People in the U.S. seem to shut people out if they aren't just like them.  Be open to different people.  I know this seems difficult but we do not live in the 1940's anymore.  We are becoming one world with thousands of different people.  Do not shut somebody out because they are greek and you are not, do not not listen to certain music because it is not your favorite kind of music, do not walk away from somebody because they are a different race.  We are all different in someone's eyes.  One person may seem normal to you while to somebody else they are looked at like a foreign object.  Let's become diverse and accepting of all people.  (I sound like a politician now: utilitarian. Ah!)

Learning to accept all people,


Monday, April 18, 2011


Having goals is how I get through life.  Making it from one goal to the next makes me realize I'm actual accomplishing things I want to get done in my life.  Writing things done helps me actually finish a goal.  When you set a goal what are you thoughts behind it?  Is it something you've always wanted to do, something you want to be better at, something that isn't achievable until you are a little older and a little wiser? That's the joy behind goals.  A goal can be as short-term or as long-term as you want it to be.

Today is the Boston Marathon and I'm following the updates on Twitter: @Runnersworld.  These runners are amazing.  Did they have this race in their mind their whole lives? Is this something they've been training for for years and years or is this something that they decided, "I'm going to win the Boston Marathon!"  How amazing it must feel after running 26 miles in less than 2:30!  I would just like to complete a marathon (long-term goal).  

Setting goals are meant to lift you up and make you feel confident about yourself.  If you set a goal that is too unrealistic, you won't accomplish it and you'll feel even more down than you were before you even started trying to accomplish a goal.  To do list are great ways of accomplishing goals.  I like lists and crossing things off.  This will help you notice the success your making! Also, make it known to everyone.  The more you put yourself out there the more likely you are to finish a goal.  Don't be afraid of the unknown.  Do something you've never done before and you'll become a more confident and more thriving you!

Reaching for the stars,


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Food for Thought: Focus

If anyone hasn't noticed yet in how sporadic my blogs are, I have very little focus.  I wouldn't consider myself to have ADD but it is extremely hard for me to focus on one thing for too long.

How much does focus impact your life?  It should impact your life in many ways.  How you focus during school/work, how you focus on important people in your life, and how you focus on every task that is given to you on a daily basis are all things that require a lot of focus.  In kindergarden, the only thing I failed was reading comprehension.  The lowest score on my ACT was the reading section.  The reason I have to sit in the front of my class with no electronics out is because I cannot focus on the teacher unless I put him/her in my focal point.

Focus has not only effected my school work, it has also effects relationships I have.  I get so caught up in what I'm doing that I forget to call a friend, talk to a friend when I pass them on campus, or don't pay full attention to stories they are telling me.  After every blog post I write, before I post it, I go back and re-read it to make sure it all flows.

My mind is always running wild and thinking about two different things (at minimum).  I consider this my multi task skills.  I use to be extremely great at multi-tasking but now a days I like to focus on one thing before I jump into another task that way I know I did it to the best of my ability.  When I run, a million thoughts run into my head.  When I get home and drink a glass of water I think to myself, what did I think about on my run today? Sometimes, I have burning thoughts so it's easy to remember but most of the time it's completely random thoughts and I can't remember a thing.

The reason I'm writing a blog about focus is because I think it's extremely important to focus your mind and your heart on the things you think are important.  Right now my focus is on SOS for tomorrow, school work, actual work, my family coming this weekend, and my running/eating healthy.  Find something you are passionate about and focus on it.  Don't let anyone tell you can't because if you have enough focus and determination you will accomplish anything you want.

Stay focused!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Food For Thought: Perfection

Hello devoted followers! :)

My next few blog post (in the next few days) are going to be titled Food For Thought.  The reason?  I hope to post during lunch time which is when I do most of my thinking because I normally have lunch alone.  Also, I've had a lot of thoughts on my mind lately that I cannot include in just one blog post.

This blog is about perfection.  I am a huge perfectionist.  Part of working in the hospitality industry means that nothing is perfect and things can always be altered.  One of the standard questions I've gotten in hospitality related interviews is "When you walk into a room, can you see things that need to be changed?" The correct answer: Yes.

Being perfect is impossible.  There was only one person to walk this Earth that was perfect and He will be the only one that will ever be.  Most people (especially girls, and especially myself) are EXTREMELY hard on themselves.  Examples: "I'm too fat." "I have too many wrinkles." "I will never be as pretty as you." Most of these things number one, probably aren't true you just see yourself in a different way than other people. Number two, most of them cannot be changed.  But the main point I want to get at is that NO ONE and I repeat NO ONE is perfect!

When asked to rate yourself on a 1-10 scale 10 being the highest, where would you rate yourself? In any category: personality, looks, work ethic, etc.  I, personally, could never ever give myself a 10 in any category because back to the golden rule of this blog: NO ONE is perfect.  There is always room for change. Being the person that I am and how hard I am on myself, that is probably not a good way to look at it.  But I just think it's practical.

Let me known, I, Kayla Preston, am far far FAR from perfect.  I upset a lot of people, I say the wrong things, I always think I'm right, I am rude sometimes, I always want my way.  Reevaluate yourself if you think you are perfect.  I'm not saying to put yourself down, but don't hold yourself so high that you think there is nothing you would change about yourself.  It's an important lesson to learn in this brutal world because you will always be knocked down another notch by something or someone.

Until Next Time,


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

One Uppers

Why do people insist on putting you down by being a one upper?  Yeah, I guess it works, you get me down.  BUT more than anything, it is annoying.  No one wants to be friends with someone who always has something better to say.

A friend is someone who listens and helps you with your life.  I have learned a lot about that this semester and I'm still working on it A LOT! My listening skills (I hope) have improved but I can't stand to listen to people when the only thing they have to say to me is "I'm better than you." (of course in a more subtle way).

People are selfish.  I will be the first person to admit, I'm extremely selfish! I almost always talk about myself, what's going on in my life, what I want to do, what I think is best, and more and more about me me and me.  At least I realize it and I'm very very slowly starting to work on asking about other people's day's, lives, problems, and anything else they want to talk about.  But if you know I have a goal or a problem or have failed at something DO NOT rub it in my face that you did it better than me.  It's rude and it just makes me hate you more.

I am an extremely competitive person.  I find when I'm talking about myself that is most of the time when I'm unfortunately being a one upper.  So yes, this is a blog about something that drives me crazy but it's also something I do.  So, I want to take this time to apologize to anyone I may have put down, rubbed something in your face, made you feel less important, or just pretty much said "I'm better than you."  I am so sorry and I hope I can work on making my conversations more about the people I'm talking to rather than myself.



Monday, April 11, 2011

Career Choices

When you were a little kid people always asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"  My sister being the cute little kid she was would say, "I want to be a teenager!"  Since she has reached that career step, she now wants to be a teacher.  (More power to her!)  My Mom knew at the age of 16 she wanted to be an accountant (even though that meant skipping her birthday celebration every year).  For me, the answer was never clear.  I don't have a distinct time in my life that I remember saying any profession in particular.

Coming into college, my studies took me in the direction of nutrition which is something I'm very passionate about.  After a few struggles in those brutal science classes, I was urged to pick something else that would suit me better.  Personality tests revealed I needed to be in charge.  Really? I could have told you that with a home video of myself when I was four years old!  The counselor told me, "You're just like your mom, except you don't need to be stuck at a desk."  Okay, so where does that put me?  Active, manager, helping people, you got it.  Hotel & Restaurant Management.

Going into this major, I was filled with joy.  I finally found something that fits my personality.  Working in the industry has made me realize this is the right place for me except for the long hours.  I would consider myself a hard-worker but I also consider myself a big family and friends person.  Working long/late hours makes me concerned I won't see them as much.  I know there will always be a few crazy nights I'll be working while everyone else gets time off (holidays).  I just hope I can find something that suits me.

Finishing the last few weeks of my junior year, I have no idea where I'm going to end up in a year.  I have so many interest in life that I can't imagine having one job for the rest of my life.  I would love to be a Tweeting, blogging, fitness guru, restaurant/bar manager, sommelier, traveling, and planning events.  Surely I can find a job to fit that description, right? haha  Is there such a thing as getting cold feet about career choices? It seems like everyone around me knows exactly what they want to do with their life.  I know what I want out of life.  I just can't seem to get it all to fit into one.

Until Next Time,


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Post-Race Blues

Hey everybody!

What a week!  I don't know what to do with myself.  Last week ended the most stressful thing I have to do this semester.  Two weekends before that I finished my first half-marathon.  My schedule is pretty boring right now.  Weird, I know.  I catch a break and I don't know what to do with myself.  I'm still studying because I had a few tests and quizzes this week but other than that work is all I do.  My boyfriend kindly pointed out that I haven't seemed as happy as I was before I my race.  And he's right, I haven't been myself.  Even weirder, I know.  I'm having withdraws without running. :/

Yesterday, I was so determined to start training or just running again, I pulled out my Marathon Training for Dummies book that I got about three years ago.  Before I pulled out the book, I went for a much needed run which was the right first plan of action, but unfortunately found out I've lost my strength.  I only ran three miles yesterday and it was a struggle.  So training is going to kick me in the butt the first two weeks, again!

After my run, I began skimming through my book and noticed things I had highlighted in the past.  As I got halfway through the book the highlighting stopped.  I never finished the book.  So I turned to the back where all the marathons are listed and what happens after a marathon.  Since I already finished my first half I figured I'd see what it said.  Swear to goodness there is a chapter that is called Working Through the Post-Race Blues.  B was right! For the past three weeks I have been experiencing the post-race blues.  In this chapter it tells me what I'll feel like, what I need to do, and how to work through them.  SO I need to set another goal and continue running. 

As soon as I finished that chapter I moved on to the list of races.  There are so many that sound so amazing.  Did you know there are over 400 marathons held in the United States in one year?  That's MADNESS!  I also got a list from the fabulous Schwyn girl that listed the Top 10 races for First Time Marathoners.  I've narrowed it down to a few but I'm struggling with the time.  Both races I'm thinking about for the fall, fall on weekends that there are HUGE football games.  I know, it's just football but it's my senior year.  Making all the games is crucial to this season! (haha) So now I'm faced with picking one in the fall which is the perfect amount of time to train or wait until January or February to run the two races I know I can go to and have plenty of time to seriously prepare.  I just can't decide.  SO, in the mean time.  Training will begin.  Whether I have a race to run or not, I've got to keep running.  Who would have thought that running could make a girl happy? I thought it was only diamonds! :)

Until next time,


Friday, April 1, 2011

After Show: The Hospitality Gala

One word to describe this event and experience: WOW!

As most of you know, yesterday was The Hospitality Gala event my event's class has been planning.  The first week of this semester my class was handed four objectives for this event:

  1. To provide a "Real-Life" and "Hands On" experience in event planning, event management and fundraising for HRMT students.
  2. Increase the local, regional, and national presence and awareness of the HRMT program at Auburn University.
  3. Raise funds for the HRMT program. (Our goal this year was $100,000!)
  4. To be THE EVENT of the year amongst other fundraisers ... locally and regionally.
Again, one word: WOW!!! We accomplished every single one of these goals with flying colors.

The "hands on" experience was like no other.  This event required so much planning and managing.  The executives at the Hotel at Auburn University did an outstanding job and mentoring and providing assistance with anything and everything we needed help with during the past three months.  I feel so prepared to go into event planning after college because of this class.  My class and I were able to plan, organize, and execute an event (a fundraising event) for 390 people.  We learned to deal with the stress of last minute things going wrong (a truck of wine being stolen, a wine maker missing his flight, and a special guest double booking for the evening) and were treated as professionals in the industry.

The people that attended this event came from all over the United States.  Our three chefs came from Miami, New York, and Southern California.  Our three winemakers came from France, San Francisco, and Spain.  That in itself is amazing! The man honored at the event who has brought meaning to the word "hospitality", Mr. Horst Schulze, has traveled all over the world building hotels with the Ritz-Carlton and the West Paces Hotel Group.  Locally, businesses supported us, professors from other colleges attended, and social status people of the community were there in support of the Hotel & Restaurant management program.

The goal at the beginning of the semester ($100,000) seemed so far off!  No one in Auburn University history of fundraising has ever raised more than $100,000 in one night of an event.  Last night, we were able to raise $200,000!!!!! Unbelievable.  I can't wait to see what is in store for next year.  We broke a program record in silent auction donations as well raising $15,500!  The donors who attended could not be thanked enough for their generous donations.  This program would not be where its at if it wasn't for the people who support our program.  The Hospitality Management department is growing at an exponential rate thanks to the support of the community, board members, alumnus, faculty, and industry professionals.

Becoming THE event of the year is a very hard task to accomplish.  I believe we accomplished this goal as well.  Last night there were two other events going on in Auburn, AL: Dancing with the Stars and Big Man on Campus.  The Hospitality Gala sold out of tickets before the invitations were even sent out.  The waiting list kept growing a week before the event.  People who were not able to attend missed out on an exquisite event.  THE event of the year! Everyone was extremely elegant and the details put in to making this event top notch were just amazing.

The four teams (Design, Marketing, Operations, and Auction) could not have been a better group of students.  Everyone did a spectacular job at building anticipation, putting all the minor details on things, executing the flow of event, and gathering objects for the auction.  This experience was like no other for me.  I cannot believe it is over and this semester is coming so close to an end.  Well, I guess I know what's next: NAPA VALLEY!

Until next time,
