
Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Everyone has fears and most of the time no one can understand why someone would have that fear unless they both share the same fear.  But how do we get fear in our lives? From past experiences, from reading/watching books/movies, or is it because of the unknown? Whatever it may be, we all have a fear of something.

Today on my short run, I began to think about fears that people have.  Heights, being alone, spiders, love, etc.  Then I began to think of all the fears I have when I run.  What if I get hit by a car? What if I get hurt on my run and no one stops to help me? What if I run by someone else and they hurt me? What if my house is broken into while I'm running? What if I get bitten by a dog? What happens? I realize most of these fears are a little childish but then the quote "Everything happens for a reason" ran through my head.  Does everything happen for a reason? I began to ponder this.

I believe most things happen for a reason.  Every situation that is put in front of you has some impact on your life.  Whether it be breaking a bone, being hurt by someone else, or losing someone.  The troublesome part is why it happens.  Most of the time we will never know why something so wrong could happen to us, someone that doesn't deserve these types of pains.  I guess we just have to live with what we have.  This task is simple for me because I haven't discovered much pain in my life but for others this could easily break them down.  Right now, in my life, without experiencing my hurt, I can say stay strong.  Know that there is someone out there, even if it is just one person, that will love you until your last day.

Facing my fears,


Monday, September 12, 2011

September 11th, 2001

Today marks the 10 year reunion of the biggest tragedy I've ever experienced in my life.  I was in the 6th grade when the world trade center towers fell to the ground.  It was a unusual Tuesday because by lunch time no one was in school.  There was enough to keep all the teachers and faculty there but it seemed so empty.  In eighth period, the last period of the day, Mr. Berry told the four out of twenty-five kids left what was going on.  The middle school decided it would be better if we did not know what was going on so the teachers weren't allowed to say anything about the matter.  But with five minutes left of school Mr. Berry, my history teacher, told us what had happened that morning.

I began to walk home right after this thinking, what is the world trade center? What is a terrorist attack? Why did everyone check out because of that? When I got home, my mom was sitting on her bed watching the news.  For an hour I sat there and watched the news trying to figure out what this problem was all about.  Mom tried to explain it to me but a little 6th grader who has no idea what a terrorist attack is doesn't listen very well.

On the one year anniversary, I was in Mr. Ward's government and civics class when an announcement came over the intercom to stand for a moment of silence in remembrance of all the people we lost on that day.  I remember standing there praying and hoping that everything in the world would go back to normal.  Since that day, in 2001, things have never been the same.  Walking home after school isn't an option.  Playing in the neighborhood until 8 or 9 at night is not an option anymore.  Watching your Dad fly off to a conference at the gate is not an option.  Being carefree is not an option.

I am forever grateful for the service men and women who lost their lives on that day.  I look up to those families who have spent the last 10 years trying to explain to their children what happened and make it through this crazy world alone.  I am inspired by the strength those people had who worked in the world trade centers.  It can't be easy to be in a building knowing you are going to die and there is nothing you can do about it.  This day will forever be embedded in my heart.  September 11th changed this nation but we will always be united because of that day.  Tragedy makes faith grow stronger and that's exactly what this country needs every single day.

*This blog is written in remembrance of the September 11, 2001 victims and their families.*

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Family Matters

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family." -Anthony Brandt

Family. They are the people that know you the best.  They are the ones who will always be there no matter what.  They are always going to love you no matter how stupid your choices may be.  Yes, you having falling outs with family members and may not speak for years at a time.  Sometimes you may never speak again and other times the distance made your relationship stronger. 

Sometimes your family drives you crazy.  Sometimes you don't want to be anything like them.  Sometimes you wish you could be as far away from them as possible.  But without family, what would you be?  

Family isn't just your mom, dad, brother, and sister.  Family is the people that raised you and the people that cared for you when no one else would.  Everyone's family is a little different.  Rather it be in the people or the characteristics of their family.

Don't take your family for granted.  You never know when the last time to see them might be.  Even if you are trying to be selfish and do your own thing, make time for your family.  They make you a priority, so you should too.

What happens when you add people to your family? How does the puzzle fit? I'm sure it's a complicated situation and not everyone ends up happy.  Compromise seems like the best option but I have no experience in this situation.  Thinking further in the future, I think about combining holiday's, not having favorites, balancing my time, and making sure everyone's happy.  I have plenty of time to think about these things but I just had these thoughts rolling through my head.

Main point: don't let your family go without letting them know how much you appreciate them and how much they do for your life.  You wouldn't be where you are today if it wasn't for your mom giving birth to you, your dad helping make you, and your family members raising you, you wouldn't have gotten very far without those precious people.  Every person you come in contact with has an effect on your life but family makes a huge dent in the whole picture.
