
Monday, January 23, 2012

Let Me Explain Myself

It's been a recurring comment I've gotten that my blog, Twitter, or Facebook make people feel terrible about themselves.  I wanted to take some time to write a blog hoping to clear some things up.

First, my blog, Twitter, or Facebook were never intended to make people feel bad about themselves.  I only hope to motivate people or maybe make them think about themselves, life, or choices they may come across in life.  I would never want to tell someone what to do or make them feel like I know everything because 1. I don't and 2. I don't like when people tell me what to do either so I wouldn't tell my followers what to do either.

Second, my blog, Twitter, or Facebook are there to help me just as much as they are to help the people that read them.  Putting things out there so the world can see it keeps me accountable and makes me realize that people are watching (or reading) and that I need to be the best version of myself at all times.  Also, it's a great way to track different problems I may be having and see how I handled it in a previous scenario.

Lastly, if it bothers you that much please don't waste your time reading my social media stuff.  I honestly only do it to help better myself and other people.  It is my passion to motivate and encourage other people.  So I won't stop what I write (or type).  I know this doesn't apply to everyone that reads my blog, Twitter or Facebook because sometimes I get excellent comments back that make me feel like I am actually helping someone out there.  But if it hurts you or makes you feel terribly about yourself first off ask me or tell me about it and hopefully I can change something to make you feel better about yourself.  But if that doesn't work for you please feel free to de-follow me in the social media world.

Thanks to all my followers who enjoy my blog, Twitter, and Facebook.  I only do it to help other people and I hope that I can make some change, motivation, or encouragement for you!



Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fearing The Unknown

I am a planner.  Plain as that.  I want to know what's going to happen, when it's going to happen, and what is going to happen after it happens.  This year is a year of unknowns and I'm freaking out.

For as long as I've been alive I've always known what's next.  After third grade, I knew I had to switch schools.  After fifth grade, I knew I was going to the big middle school.  After eighth grade came the frightening high school.  Even though I didn't know what would happen in college I knew that I was going to Auburn after I graduated high school.  I came to Auburn knowing exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up.  After a year of struggling in classes that dream went away and new plans came into play very quickly (because not knowing scares the crap out of me).  After switching degrees, I began planning my future immediately to figure out where I would work and what I would be.

After two years of planning what I would be after graduation, I have no idea what those plans are and honestly  I don't think I ever knew what I wanted to do.  Graduation is less than 4 months away and I have no idea where I will be living, working, or doing with my life.  I guess this is suppose to be fun for some people but my personality doesn't care for this unknown at all.

I have no idea how to plan what will happen after May 6th because it isn't in my control.  The best thing I can do is hope that what I think I want to be and where I want to be will eventually fall into the "plan".

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Everyone is talented.  Whether you know what that talent is or not you have one (or more).  You will succeed much more in life if you can identify that talent and maximize on it.  Some talents are followers, some leaders, others do-ers.

Sometimes you think you may know what your talent is but after further investigation, you realize you were no where close to what you thought.  What do you do then? You realize your potential in your new found talent and strive to meet new and exciting goals.

Recently, I have discovered I may not have the talent I always thought I possessed.  Realizing this new talent is making me reconsider where I want to be in a year.  Learning how to maximize on your talent is the hardest part.  Especially when you thought you were special at something else.  Once I fugue out how to be successful at this then I will post another blog.

My challenge to you is to figure out what your talent is and dig deep to figure out how you can be the best you can be. What is your talent and what do you do to be successful? Let me know in the comment boxes below.  Good luck!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 is Going to be a Great Year

Happy New Year!! I cannot believe it is 2012! I feel like it was just yesterday it was 2008 and I was graduating from high school.  Now I'm 5 months away from graduating college and jumping into this big ole world!

New Year's Eve is a day to reflect on what went well and what went poorly and on New Year's Day you think about how to fix the bad and move on with the good! For me, this is the best day of the year.  I set my New Year's Resolutions and prepare myself for a year long of being busy and much needed change!

My New Year's Resolutions are: to have a more productive way of working out (instead of just going to the gym to get on the elliptical), be nicer to the people I care the most about, get a job, rent or buy a place to live (whichever makes more sense), and manage my budget.  Also, I hope to write more blogs.  Maybe not as long but more often.

Life is going to be extremely busy this coming year and everything is  going to change! I cannot wait to see what the new year has in store but I must take it one day at a time.  This getting older has made the years and days go by way too fast.

They say whatever you do on the first day of the year is what you will do for the rest of the year.  Today I woke up in Atlanta (I'm hoping to move there in May), came home and ran 9 miles (must stay fit), helped Mom cook low-fat chicken noodle soup (must eat healthy), and spent time with my family.  If this was the first day of the rest of the year will be like, I am in for a GREAT year! :)