
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Music is Key

It has been a grumbling last few days.  I haven't been myself and this weather is really starting to get to me.  One thing I have found that really gets me back on track is music.  Music isn't much to some people but it can make the world of difference in your life.

I am a huge fan of any genre of music.  I honestly do not have a favorite because it depends on my mood.  If I'm happy I'm usual all about anything I can sing my lungs out too.  If I'm angry, I want loud, meaningful lyrics, rock music.  If I'm sad or feeling down about things, I like to listen to alternative music and love songs.  The most relaxing music to study to is classical.  Nothing beats a piano melody while you are reading horrible ethics articles.

With all that being said I have crossed all these different emotions this week.  It's been an eventful week.  Junior year is starting to settle in and I get more and more excited about what the future holds for me as the days go on.  I have been extremely busy but I always have my music on me.  If it isn't "on-on" it's playing in my head.  Keep this thought with you: music can set your mood.  If you are feeling down, turn on something that is going to brighten your day.  Do something to get your mind away from your thoughts and seriously get into the music.  If people could only see what character (def: the things you do when no one is watching) I have.  I am a dancing, singing, fun-loving creature.  Creature is a good word to use because I pretty much have an out of body experience while I listen to music.  Get into the zone.  While that music is playing, it's you against the music (quote from Britney :D).  

I don't know where this blog is going except to tell you that you can be who you want to be when you have music in your life.  You make that decision everyday when you wake up.  You choose your attitude for the day.  Like I said at the beginning, I've been way off balance this week and you know what NO ONE is going to push me off my pogo stick.  I am a very blessed and lucky girl to have the things I have in my life. You can be too if you just look around.  Music is key people.  Put your headphones in while you are walking to class or working out, go to Google and type in radio stations while you are at work, or just sing a little melody in your head.  You will start to realize just how much music can change your life.

Singing my lungs out,


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