
Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Friends will come and go but your true friends will always be there for you.

College has been an amazing experience for me and it still isn't over.  I didn't have many "true" friends in high school.  There were a few that were always there for me in my lowest times and can I just say high school had some of the lowest times of my life.  But most of those friends were either younger or older so my senior year was a very lonely year for me.  I waited for months and months to finally get the letter saying I would be attending Auburn University.  When that letter finally came, all I could think about was getting out of that awful town and moving.  I knew that once I came to Auburn my whole life would change and man did it change.  My first week at Auburn I got into a minor car wreck.  It was pouring down rain and I had NO ONE to call but my mother who couldn't do anything for me two hours away.  Thankfully, a few days later, I met a girl who changed my life and made me realize what a true friend was.  Soon after that, I met six more girls that formed my support system.

These girls mean the world to me and without them I wouldn't be where I am today.  We have been through some troubled times, we have been through some silent periods, but no matter how bad things got or how long we had been without talking we picked right back up where we left off of being best friends.

I write this short little blog to say that you cannot get through life without friends.  You may think it's hard to find friends.  You may think that you don't have any true friends.  But if you ever have a problem and you call that person you think "isn't a friend" and they are there for you in the waiting room of a hospital because you have flipped your car and your parents are driving two hours to make sure you are alive...  That is a true friend.  That is who will always be with you no matter what.  Through all the guys you will cry your eyes out over, for all the not so true friends stabbing you in the back, and for all those happy times, like a 21st birthday.  They will never disappoint.  Count your blessings.  Most people aren't even blessed enough to even have one true friend and I can say I have eleven girls who will always be there for me.


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