Hello dear followers! Like I mentioned in my recent post I will be following my topic of running and training a lot closer now that I have begun training. Many of you have been devoted followers on this blog from the very beginning and I appreciate you.
I am writing this post to let you know my (this) blog is moving to another site. I haven't been happy with the layout of this site and I'm looking to upgrade my blog/site to bigger and better things. I have been working on this new site for two weeks now and am already 100% more satisfied.
I hope you will follow me there as this site will not have any more posts on it. I will be updating the URL on my new blog very soon so it will be much easier to get to. But for now, this is the link (click here). You can follow my blog by email, for now, but I will be getting an RSS feed within the next few weeks.
Again, thank you for your support and reading my posts. It's nice to know this isn't just on the web but actually being read. :)
Monday, August 13, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
Olympic Athletes = Inspiration
The 2012 Olympic Games are at the start of the second and final week. I have enjoyed these games almost as much as the 1996 Olympics. Granted, I was seven when the Atlanta games were on, I still remember watching as the USA Gymnastics team take the gold! All of the athletes were so inspiring and I wanted to be just like Dominique Moceanu. Watching her beam routine made me want to learn how to do a back flip on the beam so bad.
Around the same time as the 1996 Olympic games, I was getting ready to move up a level in gymnastics. We were evaluated based on the skills we could do on each apparatus. I was so weak on the bars, had a decent run for the vault (I only ever competed on the old school vault, thank goodness), and was okay on the floor. When it came time for beam evaluation, I had no fear! I could barely do a handstand dismount on the beam and my coach said, "Can you do a back walk over?" I didn't hesitate. I threw my head back and tried to do the back walk over. I had done one of the floor... It's the same thing as doing one on a beam raised four feet off the ground and only 4 inches thick, right? My coach leaped up as soon as she saw me actually going for it. I was no where close to being ready to do a back walk over on the beam but I wanted to be like Dominique so I had to do it. It wasn't even a level requirement to move up, I think she just wanted to see how determined I really was.
The Olympic athletes always inspire me to put more effort into my workouts and into my daily routine. But why do I only get this drive every four years? Why does everyone only get this drive every four/two years? I've seen more people swimming laps at the pool than I have the whole summer. Runners are out everywhere at all hours of the day no matter how hot it is. Seeing people perform sports that everyone participates in at the most elite level gives people hope that maybe if they put in the extra effort, they could do it too. It gives everyone the realization that anyone can be an Olympic athlete if you want it bad enough.
I know no matter how much effort I put into my workouts or my runs, I will probably never be an Olympic athlete. But watching the stories behind the athletes, seeing everything they gave up to get to this point, and then seeing their dreams become a reality or missing it by .03 seconds/points is enough to make me put in an extra 10 minutes at the gym. If they can give up four years of their life to train for one race, I can better myself by running an extra mile. I can make myself just a little bit better by doing more than I think I can do.
Not everyone has this mind set, I know. I'm kind of a weirdo. But think of something you have wanted so badly you would do anything to get there. You probably made sacrifices in order to reach your goal. Dreams are not unreachable if you set your mind to them. You are good enough and you can make a difference in your own life or other peoples lives. Don't sell yourself short. Put in the extra 10 minutes at the gym for yourself. For your family. For your life.
Washington, DC, USA
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
A Decision Has Been Made
First of all, I want to say thank you to my devoted readers. I started this blog when I started training for my first half-marathon. I had planned to keep this blog devoted to fitness, working out, being healthy, and documenting all the ups and downs of training for a long distance race. After I trained for my first half-marathon, I was injured from training so fast that I was not in the mood to run another race anytime soon. Then one year later, I ran in my second half-marathon. I wrote about training some of the time but my blog was mostly filled with posts about my boring life. And yet you all continued to follow me and my obnoxious I-Know-All blog posts. Thank you for continuing to read!
Today, I write to inform you all that I will be following my title and topic a little bit more closely than you are use too. This blog was started with one goal in mind: to one day run a full marathon. With polite bragging from some of my crazy running friends, my competitive spirit got the best of me and I have decided I too am capable of running a full marathon. Since I have moved to Washington, DC my miles have decreased but my heart has gotten stronger for the love of running. If I wanted to there are races every weekend within driving distance that offer all different distance races. It is hard to not want to join in on all the fun (for me, at least).
The marathon I have committed to running is the Rock N Roll Marathon in Washington DC on March 16, 2013. Yes this is far away, date wise, but it is right around the corner with the 22 week training program I have decided to train with. This is going to be a long, grueling road. I will start training in October with this 22 week program. Until then, I need to build up to the mileage it starts with in order to keep up with the program.
I have read a Marathon Training for Dummies book twice now. Along with millions of running blogs, running articles, and many more running tips. The first rule of thumb when training for a marathon is support. You have to have support from your family, friends, and loved ones in order to complete this journey. There is only so much the runner can do for his or her self to keep their mind, body, and soul into running 26.2 miles!! It will take a lot of personal time to run the distances required of the training program. That time could be spent with family and friends but instead I'll be running. Since I am in DC, mainly by myself, I think this is the perfect time to do it. But I will need your help. The more I put my end goal out there, the more likely I will be able to complete it. I wanted to write this blog post so you all know 1. where the direction of this blog will be for the next year and 2. to ask for your support while I strive to do what less than 1% of the US has already done. Thank you in advance for your support. I hope you will follow my journey and share with your friends.
Today, I write to inform you all that I will be following my title and topic a little bit more closely than you are use too. This blog was started with one goal in mind: to one day run a full marathon. With polite bragging from some of my crazy running friends, my competitive spirit got the best of me and I have decided I too am capable of running a full marathon. Since I have moved to Washington, DC my miles have decreased but my heart has gotten stronger for the love of running. If I wanted to there are races every weekend within driving distance that offer all different distance races. It is hard to not want to join in on all the fun (for me, at least).
The marathon I have committed to running is the Rock N Roll Marathon in Washington DC on March 16, 2013. Yes this is far away, date wise, but it is right around the corner with the 22 week training program I have decided to train with. This is going to be a long, grueling road. I will start training in October with this 22 week program. Until then, I need to build up to the mileage it starts with in order to keep up with the program.
I have read a Marathon Training for Dummies book twice now. Along with millions of running blogs, running articles, and many more running tips. The first rule of thumb when training for a marathon is support. You have to have support from your family, friends, and loved ones in order to complete this journey. There is only so much the runner can do for his or her self to keep their mind, body, and soul into running 26.2 miles!! It will take a lot of personal time to run the distances required of the training program. That time could be spent with family and friends but instead I'll be running. Since I am in DC, mainly by myself, I think this is the perfect time to do it. But I will need your help. The more I put my end goal out there, the more likely I will be able to complete it. I wanted to write this blog post so you all know 1. where the direction of this blog will be for the next year and 2. to ask for your support while I strive to do what less than 1% of the US has already done. Thank you in advance for your support. I hope you will follow my journey and share with your friends.
Washington, DC, USA
Monday, July 23, 2012
Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
For the last two weeks, I have had the people I love the most come and visit me in DC. Two weeks ago, my Mom and sister came for five days and I was able to take a day off from work to spend extra time with them. We had a blast and I was soo happy to see them.
Brenden came this past weekend for less than 48 hours. We hadn't seen each other since mid-May so he was due for a visit. While the weather was gloomy, we had the best weekend. The best we had had in a long, long time. Before we went our separate ways this summer it seemed fighting was the only way we could communicate. I was dreading the distance. I thought, if we can't communicate when we live two miles away from each other how the hell are we going to be able to communicate 1,200 miles apart?
The distance made us realize we had to work on our biggest problem, communication, or this was going to fail. I would not wish long distance relationships on anyone. However, after these last eight weeks, I would say it is worth a shot. Before May, I was the most skeptical person when it came to long distance relationships actually working. I've had plenty of people who have dealt with long distance to show me it can work but I never had enough faith in myself or someone else to actually make it work.
The key to making the distance work is communication. That's all it is. And of course a little give and a little take. B and I were able to have longer conversations without fighting because the only connection we have had is talking to each other. Before you leave each other, make sure you have a date set for the next time you are going to see each other. It makes the 'good-bye' or 'see you later' a little easier.
My best friend, Holley and her husband Zack, and my parents were both excellent role models in making a long distance relationship work. I have been so lucky to have them help me through this distance and provide me with tips on how to make it work. It is possible. Now with (hopefully) only ten months left in our year apart we will be able to stay together and be a stronger couple because we challenged our relationship.
If you have tips on how to make a long distance relationship work, please leave your tip below. I would love to have some more insight to this. It has only been two months into this long year for us so we still have many more hurdles to jump over. If you have questions about making your long distance relationship work, I am no expert by any means, but I am willing to provide the best insight I can.
Washington, DC, USA
Thursday, July 19, 2012
How Bad is Life Really
Have you ever had a life event put your life into perspective? I'm sure we all have had some kind of life event that has effected us in a way that we will never forget. This week, I started following three gentlemen on Facebook that I do not know. All three are US Army Soldiers and are at the Medical Center in Bethesda (10 minutes away from my office) where they are having surgery every three days to fight infection in their amputated leg(s). They are also fighting to keep their arms without having them amputated as well. I don't know any of these guys but it is a life event that has put my life into perspective.
I have had minor issues this week, hell my whole life, compared to these gentlemen. Everyday I get on their Facebook page and read their updates and I am amazed by they're strength and progress. It makes me cringe that people complain everyday because of the most minor issues. My mind has been filled this week by the dramatic changes that will effect their lives forever. Everything I have done this week, from driving to work to trying to balance on one leg during a workout, I have thought about how their life has been forever changed. This tragedy will effect them and their families for the rest of their lives but yet they are still positive and staying strong. Our minor issues, from losing weight to car repairs, cannot even compare to their sacrifice.
These men are American Heroes. They have sacrificed their legs for us to live safely in America. Next time you are having a rough week, think about the million of men and women who have fought for our country and are living (or not living) with injuries because they don't even know you and they decided to sacrifice themselves for you.
Many of us know at least one person who has served in the military. Take a moment to thank them for the service they provided you. And next time you see a soldier just take a moment to say thank you. After you walk away from them, think about everything they gave up so that you could walk around this world and not have a care in the world. We all have issues that come up, big and small. I'm not saying that your issues are any less important. I just want people to realize that it could always be worse. When you think you are at your lowest point, think again. I promise you someone is suffering worse than you are. Find strength in that and pull yourself together. Stay strong and believe in yourself!
I have had minor issues this week, hell my whole life, compared to these gentlemen. Everyday I get on their Facebook page and read their updates and I am amazed by they're strength and progress. It makes me cringe that people complain everyday because of the most minor issues. My mind has been filled this week by the dramatic changes that will effect their lives forever. Everything I have done this week, from driving to work to trying to balance on one leg during a workout, I have thought about how their life has been forever changed. This tragedy will effect them and their families for the rest of their lives but yet they are still positive and staying strong. Our minor issues, from losing weight to car repairs, cannot even compare to their sacrifice.
These men are American Heroes. They have sacrificed their legs for us to live safely in America. Next time you are having a rough week, think about the million of men and women who have fought for our country and are living (or not living) with injuries because they don't even know you and they decided to sacrifice themselves for you.
Washington, DC, USA
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Roller-Coaster of Passion
Since I have moved to DC the weather has been all over the place. I've experience a "cold" (50 degree) mornings and highs around 70, the power has gone out for 24 hours due to thunderstorms with winds at 70 mph, and temperatures in the 100's. No snow, just yet, but I know it's coming for me in the winter.
The weather has been all over the place just like my running, training, and workouts. I set a New Year's Resolution to have a purpose for my workouts. Not to just go out and run aimlessly through the neighborhood but to have passion behind my workouts. Yesterday was the second workout since I've been here that I actually had that passion. My first was in the gym about two weeks ago when I hit my first low of missing everybody and wishing I was at home. I hit the weights really hard and my body paid for it for the rest of the week. I was so sore my passion dwindled from my workout for the rest of the week.
Yesterday, I rekindled that fire. I came home, after work, and was stir crazy from sitting in an office at a computer all day. So, I set out for what's been my usual since I moved here 2.5-3 mile run. Once I got out on the road, I channeled everything into that run. I found a 2 mile loop around my neighborhood with shade and a safe area that I was able to run twice! I haven't ran more than 3 miles probably since April.
Now, I've mentioned to you all before, music keeps me going and yesterday was no exception. Last week, I started to want that passion again. So, I started a new workout regimen and made a new playlist. Thanks to Pinterest, I had a rocking playlist and a workout plan that was going to challenge every part of my body. Even though I started this program last week, I was just going through the motions of the workout. Feeling the burn, for sure, but not enjoying it like I use to.
After completing my run yesterday I walked down the hallway to my apartment with my arms in the air over my head and my fists clenched. I was finally back with the drive to WANT to run. I've done most of my runs early in the morning, because of the weather, but they have been really lonely. My music wasn't "pump you up" kind of music. I just kept wishing there was someone running beside me or that I knew the people I was passing like I did in Auburn.
After realizing I had this burn back in me I've decided I need to set another goal for myself. My cousin and I have mentioned another half-marathon but I can feel deep in my stomach that my body wants to do a full. I just need to get that feeling in my head in order to commit to the idea. I hope I can keep up this passion for my workouts/runs. It is great feeling.
If you are losing that passion in your workouts/runs, or if you have never really had it, try something new. You will never keep or get that passion without doing something you love to do. Workouts shouldn't be a miserable thing. If you love to dance, try Zumba. If you like to spend most of your time in quite places, try yoga. If people energize you, try any group fitness class. There are so many different workouts you can try to find that passion. And if you still can't find anything you like, get in touch with me. I will help you figure it out. I promise you, once you get that feeling when you workout, you won't ever want to stop.
The weather has been all over the place just like my running, training, and workouts. I set a New Year's Resolution to have a purpose for my workouts. Not to just go out and run aimlessly through the neighborhood but to have passion behind my workouts. Yesterday was the second workout since I've been here that I actually had that passion. My first was in the gym about two weeks ago when I hit my first low of missing everybody and wishing I was at home. I hit the weights really hard and my body paid for it for the rest of the week. I was so sore my passion dwindled from my workout for the rest of the week.
Yesterday, I rekindled that fire. I came home, after work, and was stir crazy from sitting in an office at a computer all day. So, I set out for what's been my usual since I moved here 2.5-3 mile run. Once I got out on the road, I channeled everything into that run. I found a 2 mile loop around my neighborhood with shade and a safe area that I was able to run twice! I haven't ran more than 3 miles probably since April.
Now, I've mentioned to you all before, music keeps me going and yesterday was no exception. Last week, I started to want that passion again. So, I started a new workout regimen and made a new playlist. Thanks to Pinterest, I had a rocking playlist and a workout plan that was going to challenge every part of my body. Even though I started this program last week, I was just going through the motions of the workout. Feeling the burn, for sure, but not enjoying it like I use to.
After completing my run yesterday I walked down the hallway to my apartment with my arms in the air over my head and my fists clenched. I was finally back with the drive to WANT to run. I've done most of my runs early in the morning, because of the weather, but they have been really lonely. My music wasn't "pump you up" kind of music. I just kept wishing there was someone running beside me or that I knew the people I was passing like I did in Auburn.
After realizing I had this burn back in me I've decided I need to set another goal for myself. My cousin and I have mentioned another half-marathon but I can feel deep in my stomach that my body wants to do a full. I just need to get that feeling in my head in order to commit to the idea. I hope I can keep up this passion for my workouts/runs. It is great feeling.
If you are losing that passion in your workouts/runs, or if you have never really had it, try something new. You will never keep or get that passion without doing something you love to do. Workouts shouldn't be a miserable thing. If you love to dance, try Zumba. If you like to spend most of your time in quite places, try yoga. If people energize you, try any group fitness class. There are so many different workouts you can try to find that passion. And if you still can't find anything you like, get in touch with me. I will help you figure it out. I promise you, once you get that feeling when you workout, you won't ever want to stop.
working out
Washington, DC, USA
Monday, July 2, 2012
Power Outage in DC
What. A. Weekend. When I left work Friday afternoon, I was very much looking forward to a relaxing weekend of movies, pool time, and just lounging around enjoying the wonderful AC. Well, none of these things happened. Friday evening, I was watching the movie Roommates (I don't do scary movies). I decided it was getting a little too weird so I changed the channel to the Olympic trials. Before I could see anything on the screen the power went out. Now, at this point, I am freaking out and thinking somebody is trying to scare me. Well, the power flickered and stayed on for about 5 more minutes. This gave me enough time to get in my room, light some candles, and close my door. The power went back off and I sat there hoping it was just a joke and that they'll be back on in a minute.
That never happened. Creepy noises get extremely loud when you are sitting in the dark. I sat on top of my bed with my knees hugging my chest for about 30 more minutes then decided I need to go to bed or I was going to torture myself all night waiting for the power to come back on. I had no idea a storm had done this. It was a gorgeous Friday in DC when I came into my apartment that evening. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. I just heard loud winds rattling everything around me - well I thought they were ghosts trying to come and get me (haha).
It's amazing how hot a room can get once the AC is shut off and your fan can't work. I didn't sleep much Friday night. I slept until about 2AM then went back to sleep and slept until 5AM. That's when my weather system started going off. An obnoxious beep every 20 seconds. I was so hot and I just wanted to sleep so I grabbed my favorite pillow, my teddy bear, and the blanket my Mom made me and went to the couch. I could faintly hear the beep but with my head buried in the couch and little sleep I feel asleep quite easily. I woke again at 8AM because my upstairs neighbor decided he was ready to be up and began his usual routine of running throughout the apartment. The pool didn't open because the electricity keeps the pumps flowing which I guess keeps the pool safe??
So after walking around the complex and realizing everyone around me was out of power I decided to go get lunch. I was driving around charging my phone and began to notice this isn't just a Rockville storm, this was a DC Metro Area storm. I was able to access phone service and a little bit of 4G once I was out of my apartment complex. I called Mom to find out what had happened to the area and accessed Twitter to see what the rest of the world was up to. Mom tells me millions of people in the area are out of power too. While on Twitter the rest of the world was FREAKING out because Instagram quit working for not even 24 hours. WOW. This world just amazes me sometimes.
That never happened. Creepy noises get extremely loud when you are sitting in the dark. I sat on top of my bed with my knees hugging my chest for about 30 more minutes then decided I need to go to bed or I was going to torture myself all night waiting for the power to come back on. I had no idea a storm had done this. It was a gorgeous Friday in DC when I came into my apartment that evening. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. I just heard loud winds rattling everything around me - well I thought they were ghosts trying to come and get me (haha).
Someone added a For Sale sign on the front of this car. Glad to see they still have humor. |
It's amazing how hot a room can get once the AC is shut off and your fan can't work. I didn't sleep much Friday night. I slept until about 2AM then went back to sleep and slept until 5AM. That's when my weather system started going off. An obnoxious beep every 20 seconds. I was so hot and I just wanted to sleep so I grabbed my favorite pillow, my teddy bear, and the blanket my Mom made me and went to the couch. I could faintly hear the beep but with my head buried in the couch and little sleep I feel asleep quite easily. I woke again at 8AM because my upstairs neighbor decided he was ready to be up and began his usual routine of running throughout the apartment. The pool didn't open because the electricity keeps the pumps flowing which I guess keeps the pool safe??
This is a tree a few blocks behind my office building. |
I finally got power back Saturday evening around 11PM. I have never been part of a "natural disaster". I was barely 4 when the blizzard came through Alabama so I don't remember much of that. This was a huge eye opener to me. While I've read and seen the aftermath of natural disasters, I had no idea what people went through when things like this happened to an area. I was only affected in the smallest bit but it still makes you realize there are bigger problems in the world than an application on a phone not working.
DC is slowly recovering. My office has power but just a few blocks behind us they are still without power and have trees laying on top of their houses and cars. Maryland governor declared this the largest power outage in the history of Maryland and Virginia has declared a state emergency. Please keep this area in your prayers as the three electric companies continue to work throughout the week to recover power for the area. How does the most powerful city in the world function without power? Well, it doesn't.
Washington, DC, USA
Monday, June 25, 2012
Are You Aware?
I've been doing a lot of research lately on the different channels social media offers to BILLIONS of people all over the world. I found this picture while I was doing research and thought it was definitely worth mentioning. This is what is happening on the web every minute of every day! How amazing are those numbers?
Have you ever thought about the billions of people that can view your data? Whether you have it private or public it is all still accessible. Once you are on the web, you cannot be taken off. Most of the research I've been doing I have to make sure I type 2012 after the search or I could get articles and data from 2006 or earlier! Next time you are making a post, think about what you put online. I am so guilty of this! Most of the time I post with the thought that my followers and friends are the only ones that can see my data. However, I'm not private on most of my sites so there are plenty of people that could search for my name or anything I could be talking about and it can pop up in a search engine.
Try Google searching yourself. What do you find? Now if you have a name like John Smith it might be a little different than a more unique name. When I search my name, the first link that pops up is my Twitter account. The next few links are not related to me but then take a look at the images. The first image is my picture from my college job as an orientation leader coordinator. You have no idea how much information you can find on yourself.
I am writing this blog to make you aware that it isn't just you sitting at a computer. It is you and billions of people that you have no idea who they are. I have been active on the internet since the 7th grade. Probably not my smartest choice, but I've always been intrigued by it. I am aware of the severity but still post a lot of data DAILY. I do not want to turn anyone against these interesting products and sites but please be careful what you put on the web. It can never be erased. A delete button only takes it away from your eyes, not the universe.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Awkward Work Encounters
Being new to the business world and not technically studying business, it's needless to say, I do not know much about this crazy intense world. In the last few weeks, I have become a lot more business oriented just by being around it. I've learned it's not okay to stare in bewilderment when you meet the president of a department. It's okay to just listen in meetings when you are new and have nothing of value to say. And it's imperative that you know the latest news (world, nation, local, politics, sports, lifestyle, and especially industry news). You will be tested. Whether in casual conversation, in meetings, or out on a business lunch/dinner.
However, there are many more things that I'll never understand. Having the awkward conversations with your boss or asking for an expensive item that you know you'll need to expedite your work are never fun. It will probably never get easier having all those weird encounters but I know that comes with every job. It's how you handle the situation that makes it easier to deal with. Take a few breaths and just go talk to them. What's the worst that can happen? They fire you? haha
I have been extremely blessed in that I love the work I do and I am so lucky to have found this company right after graduation. The learning experience has been exponential (already and we haven't even launched). I know some of you know the company I am working for and some of you may not. I wish I could broadcast it to the world but for the time being I have to keep it a secret. I trust the people who do know not to blab their mouths (please!) but encourage them to talk about what I do. This is going to be great. Stay tuned for a blog post about the launch of our company and I hope you will love it!
However, there are many more things that I'll never understand. Having the awkward conversations with your boss or asking for an expensive item that you know you'll need to expedite your work are never fun. It will probably never get easier having all those weird encounters but I know that comes with every job. It's how you handle the situation that makes it easier to deal with. Take a few breaths and just go talk to them. What's the worst that can happen? They fire you? haha
I have been extremely blessed in that I love the work I do and I am so lucky to have found this company right after graduation. The learning experience has been exponential (already and we haven't even launched). I know some of you know the company I am working for and some of you may not. I wish I could broadcast it to the world but for the time being I have to keep it a secret. I trust the people who do know not to blab their mouths (please!) but encourage them to talk about what I do. This is going to be great. Stay tuned for a blog post about the launch of our company and I hope you will love it!
Washington, DC, USA
Friday, June 15, 2012
Getting in a Routine
This was my first full week of work. My first week of work consisted of Thursday and Friday. My second week I was in Chicago for 3 days and only worked Monday and Friday in DC. And now I'm on my first full week and I am exhausted. How do you guys do it?
I've decided the only way to help me get use to this type of week is getting into a routine. Granted, this week was not the best example of that. One night I stayed up until 1AM, another night I went to sleep at 10PM, a few days I got up and worked out and other days I hit the snooze. (Side note: I have never used my snooze until now. If my alarm was set for 8AM in college, I was up at 8AM no matter how tired I was. This week, we became close friends.)
Number 1 is the hardest. I can always think of something else I need to fit into my day (or want to fit in) and the time gets pushed later and later. The second one isn't as hard because like I said, I've never been a big snooze button person so hopefully I won't get into the habit of using it. And if I do, I'll just set the alarm 9 minutes earlier than I really need to get up. ;)

So, my routine needs to consist of three things: 1. A bedtime 2. A set time to wake up 3. A time to run. I've been trying to run before work because it's a lot more relaxing to come home and do nothing than it is to know I have an hour workout ahead of me. I've noticed on the days I don't go for a run I'm hungrier and more tired. On the days I do run (or go to the gym), I have more energy and my diet is much better. The last one on my list (set a time to run) should be easy so long as the other two are in effect, which will definitely be the hardest.

Since I am new to this whole grown up thing, I would love some tips on how you make it through your week. I'm not a busy mom. I don't have any family here so I don't have places I HAVE to be. The only thing that is set in my schedule is the time I spend at work (9-6). So, please, feel free to leave me a comment here or on my other social pages.
With love,
Washington, DC, USA
Monday, June 4, 2012
First Week in a New Chapter
Last week I moved to Washington, D.C. to start my life as a professional woman. I had no idea what to expect all I knew is I was exited for something new and different. As my last post stated, my parents helped me move everything in and get me ready for this huge transition. They left on Wednesday morning. The first realization of being alone in this big city started that night. I kept thinking to myself, what have I done? How will I make friends? All I have is work here. No clubs or college activities to keep me meeting new people. After consulting with Brenden, I began to feel a little better. I'm outgoing and fun. I can meet people.
Thank goodness my first day of work was the next day to keep my mind off being alone. I had a great first day. Once all the paperwork was finished, I was immediately given my first assignment. A very large one at that. So for the 8 hours I'm at work it consumes my time. Thank goodness my professors made me do competitive analysis and PowerPoint presentations all through my four years. I feel confident I can knock this first assignment out of the park.
In the words of my boss, I am to be a sponge for the next few weeks. Friday was my first full day of work and wow was it full of information. I left that evening a little later than the office was open. But I know this will be my first of many nights I'll leave a little late.
The weekend came and went and was full of activity. So I was beginning to feel like I wouldn't be alone after all. I kept myself busy and realized the more things I do the easier it will be to get through this. I also realized why people get married right after college. It would definitely make this transition a lot easier. But part of my journey is to learn to be independent. And I will do just that.
Today, I worked a half day because I am flying out to Chicago in about 30 minutes. Chicago is a dream place for me to go (and one day live in). I will be there for a week soaking up information about this new position.
After 22 years of being taught about life and prepared to go into the real world, you never realize how hard it will be to make it. People warn you, but it's not nearly big enough. I am excited about this challenge and chapter in my life. It comes with a lot of changes but I know I will come out just right.
Thank goodness my first day of work was the next day to keep my mind off being alone. I had a great first day. Once all the paperwork was finished, I was immediately given my first assignment. A very large one at that. So for the 8 hours I'm at work it consumes my time. Thank goodness my professors made me do competitive analysis and PowerPoint presentations all through my four years. I feel confident I can knock this first assignment out of the park.
In the words of my boss, I am to be a sponge for the next few weeks. Friday was my first full day of work and wow was it full of information. I left that evening a little later than the office was open. But I know this will be my first of many nights I'll leave a little late.
The weekend came and went and was full of activity. So I was beginning to feel like I wouldn't be alone after all. I kept myself busy and realized the more things I do the easier it will be to get through this. I also realized why people get married right after college. It would definitely make this transition a lot easier. But part of my journey is to learn to be independent. And I will do just that.
Today, I worked a half day because I am flying out to Chicago in about 30 minutes. Chicago is a dream place for me to go (and one day live in). I will be there for a week soaking up information about this new position.
After 22 years of being taught about life and prepared to go into the real world, you never realize how hard it will be to make it. People warn you, but it's not nearly big enough. I am excited about this challenge and chapter in my life. It comes with a lot of changes but I know I will come out just right.
Washington, DC, USA
Monday, May 28, 2012
Moving to DC
What a weekend it has been. Friday morning at 6am, Mom, Dad, a truck, a Uhaul trailer, a Honda Accord, and I headed to Washington, D.C. We had a lengthly trip but luckily did not hit any traffic. We arrived in Maryland around 7pm. I got to meet my roommate, who is very nice, and we were able to unload the entire Uhaul before it got really dark. I stayed at the hotel Friday night but woke up the next morning knowing the bed was the first thing we needed to set up.
Saturday, we spent the entire day getting things out of boxes, building furniture, and trying to put my room in some sort of order. The day came and went very fast. Sunday, we decided to take a break from building and unpacking and acted as tourist. We visited most of the monuments (Washington, Lincoln, etc.) and the memorials (WWII, Veterans, Korean) in honor of Memorial Day weekend. The monuments and memorials were so neat. I've only seen pictures before but being in the capital for such a patriotic holiday was very neat. But I have realized I need to brush up on my history.
Today, we spent the afternoon at the Washington National Zoo!! The pandas were soo cute but the lions won my heart today. Man did they put on a show!! One of the lions saw something in the water and jumped into the water to get it. Once he got out he had a rabbit in his mouth. There were two other lions who were insanely jealous. I took a video of one trying to get some of the rabbit. Check it out on my Facebook.
After a long day at the zoo, we came home and built more furniture and hung pictures. My room is finally starting to feel like home. I don't start work until Thursday so until then I am going to continue to organize my room and get all the errands I need to out of the way in the next two days.
This move has been stressful but I am so happy to be up here. Once I am settled in, I believe this will be an unbelievable adventure. Be sure to stay tuned. This year has a lot in store for me. ;)
Saturday, we spent the entire day getting things out of boxes, building furniture, and trying to put my room in some sort of order. The day came and went very fast. Sunday, we decided to take a break from building and unpacking and acted as tourist. We visited most of the monuments (Washington, Lincoln, etc.) and the memorials (WWII, Veterans, Korean) in honor of Memorial Day weekend. The monuments and memorials were so neat. I've only seen pictures before but being in the capital for such a patriotic holiday was very neat. But I have realized I need to brush up on my history.
Today, we spent the afternoon at the Washington National Zoo!! The pandas were soo cute but the lions won my heart today. Man did they put on a show!! One of the lions saw something in the water and jumped into the water to get it. Once he got out he had a rabbit in his mouth. There were two other lions who were insanely jealous. I took a video of one trying to get some of the rabbit. Check it out on my Facebook.
After a long day at the zoo, we came home and built more furniture and hung pictures. My room is finally starting to feel like home. I don't start work until Thursday so until then I am going to continue to organize my room and get all the errands I need to out of the way in the next two days.
This move has been stressful but I am so happy to be up here. Once I am settled in, I believe this will be an unbelievable adventure. Be sure to stay tuned. This year has a lot in store for me. ;)
Washington DC
Washington, DC, USA
Friday, May 4, 2012
Trip Down Memory Lane
Today I completed my undergraduate studies at Auburn University. This morning, while I was attempting to study, I started thinking about the many things I have learned through 18 years of school.
In kindergarden, I learned that I can relate to adults fairly easily, even as a five year old. My kindergarden teacher, Mrs. Bailey, use to let me stay up during nap time and talk to her, color drawings, and even pull some teeth.
In first grade, Mrs. Reid taught me how to write. My handwriting to this day is because of her. Lower case letters below the dotted line, capital letter to the top of the paper (that's when we were allowed to use handwriting lines).
In second grade, Mrs. Riggins taught me how to make school fun. School wasn't just about reading and math you can learn about how the world was created. She was always dressed to a tee and knew exactly how to have fun.
Third grade was probably my favorite grade. It was my last grade in Golden Springs and I had the coolest teacher, Mrs. Upchurch. Third grade I cut my hair extremely short (like above my ears short), had a retainer, and wore dresses. So it was my awkward stage, but little did I know what middle school would bring.
In fourth grade, I had to make all new friends and thanks to gymnastics I already had some friends that I knew that would be in my class. I wouldn't have made it through that grade without them. In fourth grade Mrs. Beshears helped my reading level sky rocket, well from below average to where it should have been all along. This is the year I realized I liked to write. We had a journal that we were required to write in once a day at school. I guess I've kept that habit because I still keep a handwritten journal.
Oh fifth grade, the best class ever, as Mrs. Holcomb would say! I was a little confused when it came to what school to root for but in the end I saw the light ;) Mrs. Poore (now) helped me understand science just a little more and made me really interested in other subjects besides math.
Sixth grade was the year of change. I moved to the middle school where boys were cute and the walls were blue. Classes changed every period and I had a different teacher for ever subject. Mrs. Moore helped me in science, Mrs. Graham with math, and Mr. Berry (who gave me the nickname KP) helped me in social studies. I had my first group of girlfriends, my first boyfriend, and my first nickname. I joined the youth group at church and made even more friends. School was becoming a lot more fun because there was more to do after school than just homework. I tried out for cheerleading, took piano, and did numerous activities at church. I guess my interpersonal skills started to develop then.
Seventh and eighth grade was the beginning of my trouble years. As much as I wish I could take back some of the things I put my parents through, in the end, I guess I really learned. Cheerleading was my life and boys came second, friends third, and classes last. My perfect grades through elementary school began to slip and so did some of my friends. I started learning life lessons whether I really learned them that year or not.
High school came and went and couldn't have gone fast enough. The first two years were a joy and then my best friends graduated. I was left to conquer the school with just my grade and I wasn't ready for it. I stayed in cheerleading (thanks to my parents). If I wouldn't have stayed in cheerleading I would be a lot worse off. My parents kept me as grounded as they could while I still had a rebel streak to prove. Senior year was a year where I learned who people truly were and what little these last four years meant for my life.
Then freshmen year came at Auburn. I moved completely on from my high school experiences and picked up with my old self. I made great friends who helped me survive these last four years. I had a boyfriend that held me back but soon got rid of him before my sophomore year could be ruined.
Sophomore year through this last year have been an absolute blessing. I have learned so many things about myself, life, and other people. This world is so much bigger than the first 18 years of your life. They are like a building block for the next four years of college and on. I cannot thank my parents enough for raising me the way they did. I learned so much from them and the role models they set for me. I can't thank my college friends enough for showing me what true friends are and how everyone is different. Lastly, I can't thank my boyfriend enough for the lessons he has taught me in the last two years. It has been a blessing to come to the plains and learn so much from so many different people.
I hope that these last 18 years of school and 22 years of life have prepared me for what's ahead. I have big goals and dreams set for myself. I was taught at a young age to never give up on what you want and that's what I plan on doing for the rest of my life. Even without school, I know I will continue to learn everyday. You can never have too much knowledge as my dear friend Morgan says. Thank you to all the people who supported me throughout my building block years. I hope I can go into the world and make you all proud but most importantly live up to my hopes and dreams.
In kindergarden, I learned that I can relate to adults fairly easily, even as a five year old. My kindergarden teacher, Mrs. Bailey, use to let me stay up during nap time and talk to her, color drawings, and even pull some teeth.
In first grade, Mrs. Reid taught me how to write. My handwriting to this day is because of her. Lower case letters below the dotted line, capital letter to the top of the paper (that's when we were allowed to use handwriting lines).
In second grade, Mrs. Riggins taught me how to make school fun. School wasn't just about reading and math you can learn about how the world was created. She was always dressed to a tee and knew exactly how to have fun.
Third grade was probably my favorite grade. It was my last grade in Golden Springs and I had the coolest teacher, Mrs. Upchurch. Third grade I cut my hair extremely short (like above my ears short), had a retainer, and wore dresses. So it was my awkward stage, but little did I know what middle school would bring.
In fourth grade, I had to make all new friends and thanks to gymnastics I already had some friends that I knew that would be in my class. I wouldn't have made it through that grade without them. In fourth grade Mrs. Beshears helped my reading level sky rocket, well from below average to where it should have been all along. This is the year I realized I liked to write. We had a journal that we were required to write in once a day at school. I guess I've kept that habit because I still keep a handwritten journal.
Oh fifth grade, the best class ever, as Mrs. Holcomb would say! I was a little confused when it came to what school to root for but in the end I saw the light ;) Mrs. Poore (now) helped me understand science just a little more and made me really interested in other subjects besides math.
Sixth grade was the year of change. I moved to the middle school where boys were cute and the walls were blue. Classes changed every period and I had a different teacher for ever subject. Mrs. Moore helped me in science, Mrs. Graham with math, and Mr. Berry (who gave me the nickname KP) helped me in social studies. I had my first group of girlfriends, my first boyfriend, and my first nickname. I joined the youth group at church and made even more friends. School was becoming a lot more fun because there was more to do after school than just homework. I tried out for cheerleading, took piano, and did numerous activities at church. I guess my interpersonal skills started to develop then.
Seventh and eighth grade was the beginning of my trouble years. As much as I wish I could take back some of the things I put my parents through, in the end, I guess I really learned. Cheerleading was my life and boys came second, friends third, and classes last. My perfect grades through elementary school began to slip and so did some of my friends. I started learning life lessons whether I really learned them that year or not.
High school came and went and couldn't have gone fast enough. The first two years were a joy and then my best friends graduated. I was left to conquer the school with just my grade and I wasn't ready for it. I stayed in cheerleading (thanks to my parents). If I wouldn't have stayed in cheerleading I would be a lot worse off. My parents kept me as grounded as they could while I still had a rebel streak to prove. Senior year was a year where I learned who people truly were and what little these last four years meant for my life.
Then freshmen year came at Auburn. I moved completely on from my high school experiences and picked up with my old self. I made great friends who helped me survive these last four years. I had a boyfriend that held me back but soon got rid of him before my sophomore year could be ruined.
Sophomore year through this last year have been an absolute blessing. I have learned so many things about myself, life, and other people. This world is so much bigger than the first 18 years of your life. They are like a building block for the next four years of college and on. I cannot thank my parents enough for raising me the way they did. I learned so much from them and the role models they set for me. I can't thank my college friends enough for showing me what true friends are and how everyone is different. Lastly, I can't thank my boyfriend enough for the lessons he has taught me in the last two years. It has been a blessing to come to the plains and learn so much from so many different people.
I hope that these last 18 years of school and 22 years of life have prepared me for what's ahead. I have big goals and dreams set for myself. I was taught at a young age to never give up on what you want and that's what I plan on doing for the rest of my life. Even without school, I know I will continue to learn everyday. You can never have too much knowledge as my dear friend Morgan says. Thank you to all the people who supported me throughout my building block years. I hope I can go into the world and make you all proud but most importantly live up to my hopes and dreams.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
The Power of Networking
I recently took a trip to Washington D.C. There were a lot of firsts for me but I was excited to do some things I had never done before.
I have never flown completely alone before. I had never been to a city were I didn't have someone with me. A lot of other boring details of things I had never done before got accomplished on this day but that isn't the message of my blog.
I was extremely nervous to do the unknown alone. However, I quickly learned this world is a lot smaller than we think.
I met a lady on the plane who was from DC originally and was working in Atlanta with a nonprofit organization. We talked for about half the plane ride and when we landed she handed me her business card and said keep in touch. Look me up on LinkedIn.
While in DC my only form of transportation was the metro. So I had to tackle this public transportation by myself. So naturally I was extremely focused on signs and time and making sure I got on the right color line. I had to look like a tourist until a lady came up to me and asked ME for directions. She said I looked like I knew exactly what I was doing and commended me for taking such a risk to do this on my own at a such a young age.
Later that day I had a three hour wait for my flight back to Atlanta. I was trying to study (and not doing so well) when a gentlemen sat next to me at the bar. He began to ask me about my day and my life story. So I figured I'm not going to get any studying done, I'll humor him. Come to find out, he was in DC because he won an award for designing a program for the National Weather Service.
After talking with him for almost an hour I just wanted to sleep on the plane because I knew my long drive back to Auburn that night would be long and exhausting. I happened to sit next to a lady who just wanted to chat. Okay. Why not? I've met some interesting people today, let's have a chat. This lady lives in AR where Brenden will be moving. She began to tell me everything he needed to know about Fayetteville. Then the conversation never ran dry for the entire 2 hour flight. We had a lot in common and didn't want to stop talking because she was so interesting.
I learned that day that we are all connected in some way. People want to help others (most of the time.) why should we sit by ourselves and pretend like we don't need anyone or anything? Meeting and talking with those people that day helped solidify what I've always believed: networking is a powerful tool. There are too many people in the world to just stick to our tiny box of people. The only way to grow is to learn and there is only so much you can learn from a tiny box.
So venture out and meet new people. Try new things and don't be afraid to be honest and open with people you don't know. They may know someone who knows someone that can help you out in the near or far future.
I have never flown completely alone before. I had never been to a city were I didn't have someone with me. A lot of other boring details of things I had never done before got accomplished on this day but that isn't the message of my blog.
I was extremely nervous to do the unknown alone. However, I quickly learned this world is a lot smaller than we think.
I met a lady on the plane who was from DC originally and was working in Atlanta with a nonprofit organization. We talked for about half the plane ride and when we landed she handed me her business card and said keep in touch. Look me up on LinkedIn.
While in DC my only form of transportation was the metro. So I had to tackle this public transportation by myself. So naturally I was extremely focused on signs and time and making sure I got on the right color line. I had to look like a tourist until a lady came up to me and asked ME for directions. She said I looked like I knew exactly what I was doing and commended me for taking such a risk to do this on my own at a such a young age.
Later that day I had a three hour wait for my flight back to Atlanta. I was trying to study (and not doing so well) when a gentlemen sat next to me at the bar. He began to ask me about my day and my life story. So I figured I'm not going to get any studying done, I'll humor him. Come to find out, he was in DC because he won an award for designing a program for the National Weather Service.
After talking with him for almost an hour I just wanted to sleep on the plane because I knew my long drive back to Auburn that night would be long and exhausting. I happened to sit next to a lady who just wanted to chat. Okay. Why not? I've met some interesting people today, let's have a chat. This lady lives in AR where Brenden will be moving. She began to tell me everything he needed to know about Fayetteville. Then the conversation never ran dry for the entire 2 hour flight. We had a lot in common and didn't want to stop talking because she was so interesting.
I learned that day that we are all connected in some way. People want to help others (most of the time.) why should we sit by ourselves and pretend like we don't need anyone or anything? Meeting and talking with those people that day helped solidify what I've always believed: networking is a powerful tool. There are too many people in the world to just stick to our tiny box of people. The only way to grow is to learn and there is only so much you can learn from a tiny box.
So venture out and meet new people. Try new things and don't be afraid to be honest and open with people you don't know. They may know someone who knows someone that can help you out in the near or far future.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Follow Your Dreams. Do What You Love.
Lately the topic of discussion has been: "Follow your dreams. Do what you love." I seem to always talk about dreams and being passionate about things. But when other people begin to talk about it, it draws me in. They have my full attention because I am interested to see what people believe about dreams, being passionate about something, and doing it whole heartedly.
In class and from professors, mentors, and people I care the most about they have advised me to "Follow my dreams by doing what I love." The two things I have the most passion for are: fitness/health and helping people out. This dream is easy to follow as long as I take the right steps towards that. But one of my other favorite things that I have become a lot more passionate about is social media. I want to learn more about what's behind it all and how you can best utilize it. I love being connected to people, learning new things about people, and sharing my story with the world.
How do you follow this dream? A professor once told me, (please keep reading, I promise I'll stop being redundant.) "Follow your dreams. Even if you don't know what those dreams are, follow what you feel the most passionate about. Even if there isn't a job title to match your passions, one day there just might be and if not why not come up with it yourself!" What great advice!
However, fitness bloggers are all over the place, health websites pop up all the time. But helping people via the internet is very motivating but there is no physical interaction. To me, this step is extremely important in helping people out. This world cannot be come so globalized that the only way people communicate is via technology. It is completely inhumane!
So, why can't I just do both? I can get paid to help people in person as a fitness instructor or personal trainer and when I'm not doing that have social media to help back me up? Tons of people do it, why can't I? It's not much of an aspiration compared to some people's dreams and goals but this is my dream and what I feel led to do! It brings me complete satisfaction. I believe that is one of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs :)
Here is what I hope you can gain from this blog post, if you aren't doing everything to fulfill complete satisfaction stop doing what isn't making you happy. Try and follow what will make you happy. It means more in the end of your life to know you did everything you wanted/needed to do. You lived out your life to the fullest! So, Follow your dreams and Do what you LOVE!
In class and from professors, mentors, and people I care the most about they have advised me to "Follow my dreams by doing what I love." The two things I have the most passion for are: fitness/health and helping people out. This dream is easy to follow as long as I take the right steps towards that. But one of my other favorite things that I have become a lot more passionate about is social media. I want to learn more about what's behind it all and how you can best utilize it. I love being connected to people, learning new things about people, and sharing my story with the world.
How do you follow this dream? A professor once told me, (please keep reading, I promise I'll stop being redundant.) "Follow your dreams. Even if you don't know what those dreams are, follow what you feel the most passionate about. Even if there isn't a job title to match your passions, one day there just might be and if not why not come up with it yourself!" What great advice!
However, fitness bloggers are all over the place, health websites pop up all the time. But helping people via the internet is very motivating but there is no physical interaction. To me, this step is extremely important in helping people out. This world cannot be come so globalized that the only way people communicate is via technology. It is completely inhumane!
So, why can't I just do both? I can get paid to help people in person as a fitness instructor or personal trainer and when I'm not doing that have social media to help back me up? Tons of people do it, why can't I? It's not much of an aspiration compared to some people's dreams and goals but this is my dream and what I feel led to do! It brings me complete satisfaction. I believe that is one of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs :)
Here is what I hope you can gain from this blog post, if you aren't doing everything to fulfill complete satisfaction stop doing what isn't making you happy. Try and follow what will make you happy. It means more in the end of your life to know you did everything you wanted/needed to do. You lived out your life to the fullest! So, Follow your dreams and Do what you LOVE!
Monday, April 2, 2012
April: The Month of Change

This month is going to be the month of change. Well the preparation month for change. I accepted a job as of last week that I will be starting May 14th. I am so excited for this next chapter and relieved that the job searching process is over!
However, one of my other dreams is to be a fitness instructor. This process has only just begun and it will definitely be a lengthy process. I'm still working on some details then this process should be finished before the summer ends.

Also, I think it is time for another addition in my life. NO! Not a kid! I have wanted a puppy, or as normal people call them dogs or pets, for quite some time now. My parents deal was as soon as I get my first paycheck, I'm free to do as I want because they won't be paying for me to live. I have started the search but I know I will need some time to get use to my new life as a working professional before an addition can fit in my schedule.
This is the month of change people. I encourage you to change something in your life. Don't get stuck in a rut! Switch up your workouts, eating habits, people you talk to, or activities you partake in. Don't be afraid to do something new. It will keep you fresh and more energized when you aren't doing the same routine everyday. Please leave a comment and let me know what your changes are. We can help each other through these times.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Goals and Dreams
Everyone has a dream or a goal that they are trying to reach for. Even if you don't think you do, you do. There is always something in this world that is sure to make you the happiest you have ever been. That is your dream.
Everyone's dreams are different. Some may be the same as others but it is still your dream and your life. Only you know what that dream is and how to completely satisfy that goal.
For quite sometime now, I have known that I'm a dreamer. I was silly enough to get it tattooed on my hip just to remind myself that I can always fufill my dream if I just set my mind to it. For the last couple of years, I have been completely lost on what exactly my dream is. A lot of things make me happy so it is hard to just choose one thing to fully satisfy me.
This semester in school, I was given a project to design a website about myself. On that website, I was required to have a page about my goals in life. Well, being a senior in my major, about to graduate, you would think that would be a simple page. It was definitely the toughest for me. I have had this project since early February and the project is due next week. I have just now completed my goals page! I had the entire webpage completed 2 weeks ago with the exception of that page.
I have finally been able to put it down into writting. My dreams or "goal" in life is to help people. Simple as that. As long as I am doing that I will be completely satsified. Granted, add a little fitness, health, and fun and that would be my ideal way to help people. I want people to be the best they can be and know they are the best they can be. That is something I strive for everyday. I want everyone to know that you can do anything you want to do, if you just set your mind to it. Including health and fitness is just a great way to show people that you are doing the best you can. As long as you are doing something to better yourself, that is enough to make yourself proud and strive for the next day.
If you are interested, check out my website I have been working on for a class at this link. Now the goal page isn't updated but it wil be tomorrow afternoon because this project is due Monday morning :) So check back Monday for a completed webpage!
Everyone's dreams are different. Some may be the same as others but it is still your dream and your life. Only you know what that dream is and how to completely satisfy that goal.
For quite sometime now, I have known that I'm a dreamer. I was silly enough to get it tattooed on my hip just to remind myself that I can always fufill my dream if I just set my mind to it. For the last couple of years, I have been completely lost on what exactly my dream is. A lot of things make me happy so it is hard to just choose one thing to fully satisfy me.
This semester in school, I was given a project to design a website about myself. On that website, I was required to have a page about my goals in life. Well, being a senior in my major, about to graduate, you would think that would be a simple page. It was definitely the toughest for me. I have had this project since early February and the project is due next week. I have just now completed my goals page! I had the entire webpage completed 2 weeks ago with the exception of that page.
I have finally been able to put it down into writting. My dreams or "goal" in life is to help people. Simple as that. As long as I am doing that I will be completely satsified. Granted, add a little fitness, health, and fun and that would be my ideal way to help people. I want people to be the best they can be and know they are the best they can be. That is something I strive for everyday. I want everyone to know that you can do anything you want to do, if you just set your mind to it. Including health and fitness is just a great way to show people that you are doing the best you can. As long as you are doing something to better yourself, that is enough to make yourself proud and strive for the next day.
If you are interested, check out my website I have been working on for a class at this link. Now the goal page isn't updated but it wil be tomorrow afternoon because this project is due Monday morning :) So check back Monday for a completed webpage!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
March Madness Kayla Edition
Hello blog world!
It has been quite sometime since I have written a blog and my last one was not an update on "Running Through Life". That title has been more relevant than ever this semester. I never thought my mind would be racing with so many thoughts about my future. Like you all know, I'm a planner and my thoughts have never made me this dazzled. Because it has been sometime since my last blog, I will probably be writing a series of blogs about everything that has been going on.
I feel like I have been cheating on my virtual journal. I have been keeping a written journal that I write something down, even if it's just what I did that day, in this journal. I'm hoping in a year I can look back at it and see how much I have changed and what happened through the year.
Spring Break was last week. It was a nice week to just clear my head of all my thoughts and crazy schedule. Reading books, hanging out with friends, splurging on food and drinks, and playing games all while being on the beach! Ah... it was amazing.
However, I still managed to have thoughts running through my head. But the only one that I let stay there during the week. That thought was "What are my goals in life?" Coming to college I knew I wanted to do something with nutrition. I wanted to help people lose weight, make a healthier lifestyle for them, and just encourage people all over the world. After realizing I wasn't going to be able to get a degree in Nutrition & Dietetics. Personality tests revealed only a small part of what I thought I would do with my major in Hotel & Restaurant Management. The title makes it seem my only options are hotels and restaurants. False. The amount of jobs that fall into the category of hospitality is HUGE!
This made me realize that I can still fulfill my dream with my degree. I have never been one to give up on my dreams and I don't plan on doing that now. The only problem now is finding out how to get to my dream. Finding the right path to get me there. And that's where I let the thoughts stop while I was on break. It was a week to take a break from the job search, focus on myself, and have a good time while I was enjoying my last week long vacation for A WHILE!! I still don't know the answer to that path and probably won't until I make it to the finish line. But that's okay. I'm going to make the best decision for myself at this point in my life.
Living out my dreams,
It has been quite sometime since I have written a blog and my last one was not an update on "Running Through Life". That title has been more relevant than ever this semester. I never thought my mind would be racing with so many thoughts about my future. Like you all know, I'm a planner and my thoughts have never made me this dazzled. Because it has been sometime since my last blog, I will probably be writing a series of blogs about everything that has been going on.
I feel like I have been cheating on my virtual journal. I have been keeping a written journal that I write something down, even if it's just what I did that day, in this journal. I'm hoping in a year I can look back at it and see how much I have changed and what happened through the year.
Spring Break was last week. It was a nice week to just clear my head of all my thoughts and crazy schedule. Reading books, hanging out with friends, splurging on food and drinks, and playing games all while being on the beach! Ah... it was amazing.
However, I still managed to have thoughts running through my head. But the only one that I let stay there during the week. That thought was "What are my goals in life?" Coming to college I knew I wanted to do something with nutrition. I wanted to help people lose weight, make a healthier lifestyle for them, and just encourage people all over the world. After realizing I wasn't going to be able to get a degree in Nutrition & Dietetics. Personality tests revealed only a small part of what I thought I would do with my major in Hotel & Restaurant Management. The title makes it seem my only options are hotels and restaurants. False. The amount of jobs that fall into the category of hospitality is HUGE!
This made me realize that I can still fulfill my dream with my degree. I have never been one to give up on my dreams and I don't plan on doing that now. The only problem now is finding out how to get to my dream. Finding the right path to get me there. And that's where I let the thoughts stop while I was on break. It was a week to take a break from the job search, focus on myself, and have a good time while I was enjoying my last week long vacation for A WHILE!! I still don't know the answer to that path and probably won't until I make it to the finish line. But that's okay. I'm going to make the best decision for myself at this point in my life.
Living out my dreams,
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Human Touch
In a lot of my classes over the course of four years at Auburn, we have talked about the world become globalized. Some may ask, what is that? What does it mean? The world we live in has become so connected with countries and people that live on the other side of the globe. Our world really is flat. A conference call can be done with headquarters in Japan and a company in the United States within seconds. Making it so managers do not have to visit headquarters or CEO's never have to check up on their individual companies.
To me, this is a lazy excuse. We has humans (leaving businesses out of this) think it is just okay to just text one of our best friends to see how they have been. We think because we are friends on Facebook and see all their posts that we are somehow still be emotionally connected to that person. How is our friend we are stalking suppose to know we actually care if all we do is 'like' a status and never actually have a real live conversation with that person?
Telephones (meaning picking up the phone and having a conversation) have become extinct to some people. This is a huge problem. Especially because our alternative is texting and driving. You can't tell me that you get the full idea of what someone is trying to get across is a lyrical status, a silly Tweet, or a text message. And you definitely can't pay full attention when you are driving (well at least you shouldn't be). One thing I am trying to make a habit of is not using my phone in the car. It is extremely hard! I am still guilty of using it on occasion but the more I think about how important an actual conversation is with someone the less my phone matters to me. Talking to the anonymous world of Twitter is not the last point of contact I want to have before I die.
Let's not lose connections or relationships with someone because all we do is "talk" online. We'll lose sight of who people really are when all we do is look at what they post on the internet. This goes for people and businesses. One of the most important things I have learned in the past four years as a Hotel and Restaurant Management major is that human touch (not a physical touch) is the most important part of a guests' experience. It should be the same for a person to person contact as well. The human touch experiences mean much more to a guest (or person) than a reply to a Facebook post.
Disclaimer: I am not saying that all of social networking is terrible because everyone knows I use every bit of it. However, if that is the only form of communication you have with someone you might want to reevaluate that relationship.
To reconnecting with the world,
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Let's Catch Up
A lot has happened since my last post on February 1st. Birthday's, Anniversary's, Holiday's, and Races! Let's start from the beginning...
Sunday morning, bright and early, in the freezing cold, my Dad, Katherine, Allison, Allison's little brother and Dad and I ran a half-marathon in Personal Record (PR) times for all of us. I cut 23 minutes off of my time from last year and was able to keep up with my Dad which is an accomplishment in itself. Allison, Jacob, and Katherine completed their first ever half marathon in 20 degree weather with a wind chill of 15 degrees! It was such an accomplishment for all of us and I, for one, could have never cut that much time off of my first one if it hadn't been for the love and support from my family and friends. Also, I never could have kept a 9:17 pace if it wasn't for my Dad's competitive spirit and drive to push me to be the best he knows I can be.
After running and driving back to Auburn shortly after the race, Brenden and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary of dating. This sounds silly as I type it (like I'm in high school or puppy love) but to me it was something to celebrate. I'm not big on Valentine's day so our celebration was just on Sunday night. I got a gorgeous watch and stylish sunglasses from Brenden and I reminded him of the two tickets I gave him on Friday. :) Brenden made an excellent steak dinner and we were able to talk about all the changes that are soon to happen to the both of us.
February 10th was Brenden's birthday. He turned 22 and like any college kid just wanted a relaxing night not to worry about college and life. Well, on Friday Brenden accepted an offer from a company in Arkansas and has an official start day for May! I am very excited for him and proud that he secured a job way before graduation. And I might be a little jealous. :/ Before the job offer, Brenden kept telling me he has always wanted to see Kenny Chesney and Tim McGraw in concert. The first few weeks of January, I found out Kenny and Tim were touring together this summer and just had to get tickets for him for his birthday. So I did. But the concert is in Atlanta... and he just accepted a job in Arkansas. Let's just hope he can some how make it there because he was very excited about the tickets (at least he acted like it!).
After a fun night with friends, we made our way to Birmingham were I was running my second half-marathon on Sunday. We made it to Birmingham and had the opportunity to hang out with my family and see my friend that set Brenden and I up. It was so great to see her and spend the night at her cute little apartment in Birmingham.

After running two half-marathons, having support is definitely a key component in running the long distances. You don't realize how big of a factor that little emotion has on someone. Knowing that people want you to succeed and do well makes a world of difference when you do anything but particularly long distances. Now I am trying to decide, "What's next?" Another half-marathon, a full marathon, or a sprint triathlon? Decisions decisions. As my sister would say, I am mentally ill!! :)

In all of my classes, we are reminded constantly "there should be an action plan for any event, it should be updated regularly, communication is vital, and recapping is of the utmost importance". That's kind of how our talk was on Sunday night. What's going well, what can we/I improve on, and what is coming up that we need to plan for. The past two years have been a growing period for the both of us (he is going to be so mad I'm writing about this on the Internet). We have developed as young adults and are about to embark on a big step into our adulthood. We still have a lot to learn about each other and we continue to do that everyday. I've heard before, if you can make it to the two year mark, you can make it forever. I don't know how true that is but I sure hope it is. :)
Until next time,
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
One Month Down
Wow!! January flew by. I can't believe today is February 1st! I graduate in just 3 months and 5 days, Spring break is 38 days away and Brenden's birthday is 9 days away. Can time just slow down a little? I guess that's why I'm "Running Through Life".
Tonight I did some reworking of my blog (new design) and thought of changing the name of it. After this month, I've started to realize my life 1. never stops and 2. goes by way too fast. So I thought why not change the name to something a little more relevant to my life? Well, honestly, the title is very relevant to my life. I'm staying busy, time is going by fast, and I'm learning so many things along the way just like running.
My race is in less than two weeks and I'm getting really excited. I love competing and challenging myself to reach outside of my normal routine. Even though I run in my normal routine, I don't normally run at 7 in the morning, in Birmingham, with thousands of other people. Putting myself through something that is so different from my usual routine gets me excited and makes me realize that there are things outside of my tiny little box.
This month has a lot of exciting things coming up. Birthdays, anniversaries, classes will be halfway finished, and training (for SOS) will be almost complete. WOW. That's all I can say! WOW. This month is going to fly by too! Good thing we have an extra day this month ;)
I've been keeping a hand-written journal since the first day of school this semester. It has been really short entries but it has been interesting to go back and see all the little (and big) things that have happened in this month. After keeping this daily journal, I'm starting to realize that my time is very precious. I don't normally do anything that isn't going to better prepare me for the future. This month, I am taking extra care of my time. Like I said I only have 3 months left until graduation then the real world is going to start and it's going to be just as fast. I better get at the starting line now because race time will be here before I know it (the actual race and the race of life!)
Tonight I did some reworking of my blog (new design) and thought of changing the name of it. After this month, I've started to realize my life 1. never stops and 2. goes by way too fast. So I thought why not change the name to something a little more relevant to my life? Well, honestly, the title is very relevant to my life. I'm staying busy, time is going by fast, and I'm learning so many things along the way just like running.
My race is in less than two weeks and I'm getting really excited. I love competing and challenging myself to reach outside of my normal routine. Even though I run in my normal routine, I don't normally run at 7 in the morning, in Birmingham, with thousands of other people. Putting myself through something that is so different from my usual routine gets me excited and makes me realize that there are things outside of my tiny little box.
This month has a lot of exciting things coming up. Birthdays, anniversaries, classes will be halfway finished, and training (for SOS) will be almost complete. WOW. That's all I can say! WOW. This month is going to fly by too! Good thing we have an extra day this month ;)
I've been keeping a hand-written journal since the first day of school this semester. It has been really short entries but it has been interesting to go back and see all the little (and big) things that have happened in this month. After keeping this daily journal, I'm starting to realize that my time is very precious. I don't normally do anything that isn't going to better prepare me for the future. This month, I am taking extra care of my time. Like I said I only have 3 months left until graduation then the real world is going to start and it's going to be just as fast. I better get at the starting line now because race time will be here before I know it (the actual race and the race of life!)
Monday, January 23, 2012
Let Me Explain Myself
It's been a recurring comment I've gotten that my blog, Twitter, or Facebook make people feel terrible about themselves. I wanted to take some time to write a blog hoping to clear some things up.
First, my blog, Twitter, or Facebook were never intended to make people feel bad about themselves. I only hope to motivate people or maybe make them think about themselves, life, or choices they may come across in life. I would never want to tell someone what to do or make them feel like I know everything because 1. I don't and 2. I don't like when people tell me what to do either so I wouldn't tell my followers what to do either.
Second, my blog, Twitter, or Facebook are there to help me just as much as they are to help the people that read them. Putting things out there so the world can see it keeps me accountable and makes me realize that people are watching (or reading) and that I need to be the best version of myself at all times. Also, it's a great way to track different problems I may be having and see how I handled it in a previous scenario.
Lastly, if it bothers you that much please don't waste your time reading my social media stuff. I honestly only do it to help better myself and other people. It is my passion to motivate and encourage other people. So I won't stop what I write (or type). I know this doesn't apply to everyone that reads my blog, Twitter or Facebook because sometimes I get excellent comments back that make me feel like I am actually helping someone out there. But if it hurts you or makes you feel terribly about yourself first off ask me or tell me about it and hopefully I can change something to make you feel better about yourself. But if that doesn't work for you please feel free to de-follow me in the social media world.
Thanks to all my followers who enjoy my blog, Twitter, and Facebook. I only do it to help other people and I hope that I can make some change, motivation, or encouragement for you!
First, my blog, Twitter, or Facebook were never intended to make people feel bad about themselves. I only hope to motivate people or maybe make them think about themselves, life, or choices they may come across in life. I would never want to tell someone what to do or make them feel like I know everything because 1. I don't and 2. I don't like when people tell me what to do either so I wouldn't tell my followers what to do either.
Second, my blog, Twitter, or Facebook are there to help me just as much as they are to help the people that read them. Putting things out there so the world can see it keeps me accountable and makes me realize that people are watching (or reading) and that I need to be the best version of myself at all times. Also, it's a great way to track different problems I may be having and see how I handled it in a previous scenario.
Lastly, if it bothers you that much please don't waste your time reading my social media stuff. I honestly only do it to help better myself and other people. It is my passion to motivate and encourage other people. So I won't stop what I write (or type). I know this doesn't apply to everyone that reads my blog, Twitter or Facebook because sometimes I get excellent comments back that make me feel like I am actually helping someone out there. But if it hurts you or makes you feel terribly about yourself first off ask me or tell me about it and hopefully I can change something to make you feel better about yourself. But if that doesn't work for you please feel free to de-follow me in the social media world.
Thanks to all my followers who enjoy my blog, Twitter, and Facebook. I only do it to help other people and I hope that I can make some change, motivation, or encouragement for you!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Fearing The Unknown
I am a planner. Plain as that. I want to know what's going to happen, when it's going to happen, and what is going to happen after it happens. This year is a year of unknowns and I'm freaking out.
For as long as I've been alive I've always known what's next. After third grade, I knew I had to switch schools. After fifth grade, I knew I was going to the big middle school. After eighth grade came the frightening high school. Even though I didn't know what would happen in college I knew that I was going to Auburn after I graduated high school. I came to Auburn knowing exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up. After a year of struggling in classes that dream went away and new plans came into play very quickly (because not knowing scares the crap out of me). After switching degrees, I began planning my future immediately to figure out where I would work and what I would be.
After two years of planning what I would be after graduation, I have no idea what those plans are and honestly I don't think I ever knew what I wanted to do. Graduation is less than 4 months away and I have no idea where I will be living, working, or doing with my life. I guess this is suppose to be fun for some people but my personality doesn't care for this unknown at all.
I have no idea how to plan what will happen after May 6th because it isn't in my control. The best thing I can do is hope that what I think I want to be and where I want to be will eventually fall into the "plan".
For as long as I've been alive I've always known what's next. After third grade, I knew I had to switch schools. After fifth grade, I knew I was going to the big middle school. After eighth grade came the frightening high school. Even though I didn't know what would happen in college I knew that I was going to Auburn after I graduated high school. I came to Auburn knowing exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up. After a year of struggling in classes that dream went away and new plans came into play very quickly (because not knowing scares the crap out of me). After switching degrees, I began planning my future immediately to figure out where I would work and what I would be.
After two years of planning what I would be after graduation, I have no idea what those plans are and honestly I don't think I ever knew what I wanted to do. Graduation is less than 4 months away and I have no idea where I will be living, working, or doing with my life. I guess this is suppose to be fun for some people but my personality doesn't care for this unknown at all.
I have no idea how to plan what will happen after May 6th because it isn't in my control. The best thing I can do is hope that what I think I want to be and where I want to be will eventually fall into the "plan".
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Everyone is talented. Whether you know what that talent is or not you have one (or more). You will succeed much more in life if you can identify that talent and maximize on it. Some talents are followers, some leaders, others do-ers.
Sometimes you think you may know what your talent is but after further investigation, you realize you were no where close to what you thought. What do you do then? You realize your potential in your new found talent and strive to meet new and exciting goals.
Recently, I have discovered I may not have the talent I always thought I possessed. Realizing this new talent is making me reconsider where I want to be in a year. Learning how to maximize on your talent is the hardest part. Especially when you thought you were special at something else. Once I fugue out how to be successful at this then I will post another blog.
My challenge to you is to figure out what your talent is and dig deep to figure out how you can be the best you can be. What is your talent and what do you do to be successful? Let me know in the comment boxes below. Good luck!
Sometimes you think you may know what your talent is but after further investigation, you realize you were no where close to what you thought. What do you do then? You realize your potential in your new found talent and strive to meet new and exciting goals.
Recently, I have discovered I may not have the talent I always thought I possessed. Realizing this new talent is making me reconsider where I want to be in a year. Learning how to maximize on your talent is the hardest part. Especially when you thought you were special at something else. Once I fugue out how to be successful at this then I will post another blog.
My challenge to you is to figure out what your talent is and dig deep to figure out how you can be the best you can be. What is your talent and what do you do to be successful? Let me know in the comment boxes below. Good luck!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
2012 is Going to be a Great Year
Happy New Year!! I cannot believe it is 2012! I feel like it was just yesterday it was 2008 and I was graduating from high school. Now I'm 5 months away from graduating college and jumping into this big ole world!
New Year's Eve is a day to reflect on what went well and what went poorly and on New Year's Day you think about how to fix the bad and move on with the good! For me, this is the best day of the year. I set my New Year's Resolutions and prepare myself for a year long of being busy and much needed change!
My New Year's Resolutions are: to have a more productive way of working out (instead of just going to the gym to get on the elliptical), be nicer to the people I care the most about, get a job, rent or buy a place to live (whichever makes more sense), and manage my budget. Also, I hope to write more blogs. Maybe not as long but more often.
Life is going to be extremely busy this coming year and everything is going to change! I cannot wait to see what the new year has in store but I must take it one day at a time. This getting older has made the years and days go by way too fast.
They say whatever you do on the first day of the year is what you will do for the rest of the year. Today I woke up in Atlanta (I'm hoping to move there in May), came home and ran 9 miles (must stay fit), helped Mom cook low-fat chicken noodle soup (must eat healthy), and spent time with my family. If this was the first day of the rest of the year will be like, I am in for a GREAT year! :)
New Year's Eve is a day to reflect on what went well and what went poorly and on New Year's Day you think about how to fix the bad and move on with the good! For me, this is the best day of the year. I set my New Year's Resolutions and prepare myself for a year long of being busy and much needed change!
My New Year's Resolutions are: to have a more productive way of working out (instead of just going to the gym to get on the elliptical), be nicer to the people I care the most about, get a job, rent or buy a place to live (whichever makes more sense), and manage my budget. Also, I hope to write more blogs. Maybe not as long but more often.
Life is going to be extremely busy this coming year and everything is going to change! I cannot wait to see what the new year has in store but I must take it one day at a time. This getting older has made the years and days go by way too fast.
They say whatever you do on the first day of the year is what you will do for the rest of the year. Today I woke up in Atlanta (I'm hoping to move there in May), came home and ran 9 miles (must stay fit), helped Mom cook low-fat chicken noodle soup (must eat healthy), and spent time with my family. If this was the first day of the rest of the year will be like, I am in for a GREAT year! :)
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