
Wednesday, August 17, 2011


There is something about having a schedule that makes life so much better.  It may be the structure it provides to your life, the accomplishment of doing something that day, or just knowing you won't be lying around doing nothing with your life.  Some people (free spirits) may not like having schedules and set agendas because it inhibits them to explore life.  My schedule allows me to explore life even more because I know what I need to get done and at what time it needs to get done.  I just hope after college my job (if applicable) provides me the same satisfaction of crossing things off my "To Do List".

Another great thing about schedules is it keeps you accountable.  Don't feel like working out today or feel like doing it later? Setting a time to workout or attending a fitness class makes you workout.  Even if you don't feel like going and putting in the effort, go anyway because it's on your schedule of course and I promise you won't regret it afterwards.

I don't understand the art of procrastination like most people do.  If I have something on my schedule, no matter what it is, it will be accomplished way in advance of the due date.  Post-poning activities is not an option for me.  Flexibility in schedules is a good thing and I might move a few things around to make it flow better.  But waiting until the last minute to get things done has never been my style.  Some people call this "being a nerd".  I call it "productivity".

So get a planner or a calendar or a bright stack of Post-Its or all of them and start making schedules.  Your life will have so much more joy.  At least if your a planner (like me).  You free spirits... I have no idea how you make it through your days.  I commend you on making it this far in life!

Blog written... Check.


1 comment:

  1. Love your style Kayla. I'm one of those free spirits, and its not healthy at all. lol. I'm learning that the hard way. Thanks for sharing what you do!
