
Friday, June 17, 2011

Father's Day

Father's Day means different things to different people.  Everything that has happened in our lives thus far has had an impact on how we celebrate father's day.  Some people do not have a father figure and chose to celebrate someone who played that role for them in their lives. Some have a father but do not have a relationship with him because of damages he may have caused or they may have caused.  Others have lost their father and this day is extremely hard for them. And many of us have a father so special that on this day we take the time to honor him and think about how we should celebrate him more than just on this day.

I fall into the last category.  My dad has always been in my life and actively apart of it.  He is such a special man and I could not have asked for any better Dad! When we were younger he was the tickle monster.  I would run away because I would be tickled for hours.  When I got a little older he let me get up with him and eat breakfast and watch Sportscenter before he left for work.  When he would leave, he would always wink at me and I spent years trying to learn how to do that! [I've finally got it down pat! ;)]  Then I became a teenager and my dad was my worst enemy.  We would fight and fight and fight him but little did I know he only did and said these things to protect me.  Now, I'm in college and take my Daddy for granted all the time.  He still spoils me, does anything and everything for me, has bought me three cars in the five years I've had a license, and supports and loves me in everything I do.  I always notice these things and say thank you but I never realize how much all those little things mean to me until this day every year, Father's Day.

To the best Daddy in the world, thank you for always being there for me.  Even though we don't talk as much as I wish (that's my fault!) I love you more and more everyday.  You are always trying to make me a better person and because of you I know what love is suppose to be like.  You make me smile and brighten my days when I'm lost and confused about this whole growing up thing.  Thank you again for EVERYTHING you do for me.  I cannot wait to see you this weekend.  I really don't see you guys enough!



Monday, June 6, 2011

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

When ever something doesn't go the way we plan or things don't get done when they need to get done we, as humans, make up excuses.  It's the easiest way to cover our own mistakes but the excuses more than likely will involve another party.  Examples: "I can't workout today.  I'm a mother of little kids and I work." "I made a bad grade on that test because my friends made me go out." "I can't pay you now because my boss hasn't given me my check yet." In all reality those are all your own fault.

It is time to start taking responsibility for our actions.  Excuses should not be the reason why we don't do something that needs to get done.  Other people are definitely not the reason you did not do what you were suppose to do because if you really wanted to do something, you would make time to do it.  So is it the excuse that justifies why things don't get done or is it adding someone else into the excuse that makes it okay? Personally, there is no other excuse except yourself.  You can make time to workout if you really want to workout.  No one makes you do anything.  You have the option to make a smart decision and stay in and study or the dumb decision and party so hard you can't even remember what class you have a test in.  Not having the money to pay bills is your own fault for not saving your money.  Instead you went out and bought a magazine subscription, Sonic's Happy Hour drinks, dinner with your friends including margaritas.... you had the money, you just chose to spend it elsewhere.

If you find that you make excuses for everything take a step back and re-evaluate why you really didn't workout, make good grades, or pay your bills on time.  There is a real reason and it probably has something to do with yourself.  Take responsibility for your own actions and get things done.  Procrastination is a terrible problem.  The only time I ever find myself procrastinating is when I have something to do that I have absolutely no interest in doing.  An easy fix, do those things first.  The quicker you get the not so appealing tasks out of the way the more time you have to enjoy everything you actually wanted to do in the day.  So stop making excuses.  It's only rational if you admit to being the problem and even then it should bother you so much that you don't make an excuse anymore and you get done what you set out to do.

No more excuses,


Friday, June 3, 2011


How important is communication? Is it possible to have zero communication with someone and still have a connection with them? I personally don't think so.  I don't know how to function without communication.  I think that is why I blog, Facebook, Twitter, text, email, call, etc.  I do not like to not be connected to people.  People make me happy and happy people make me happier! Making people happy makes me the happiest, but when communication falls short what do you do?

I am probably not the best communicator.  Maybe I should have majored in communications to learn how to communicate.  I wonder if I'm terrible at communication because I always have to be right or because I am so spoiled I only want things my way.  I don't know but those two characteristics are probably not good to have when making people happy is what makes me the happiest.  They seem to clash, don't you think?

How do you communicate exactly what you want? How do you express who you are through communication? Why does arguing seem to never solve anything? That's communication isn't it?  I'm so confused right now because communication keeps failing me.  You can't get things across the exact way that you want to via technology.  It will never happen.  Things are always misinterpreted and then it makes communication go sour.  Maybe that is why I'm such a terrible communicator because the only way I communicate is via technology.  Even so, I don't know how to express things differently to get my point across.  Even if technology fails me on almost all occasions I am a horrible....

It just hit me what may be my problem.  Listening.  I do not take the time to listen to people when they talk.  It is always about me talking and getting the most out of the conversation.  Why can I not be a selfless person? I'm so frustrated with myself right now and I know this blog is making no sense.  I treat this blog like a journal so this entry is one of those blogs I'm trying to figure out who I am.  I just hope that one day I can figure out how to be selfless, a good listener, and an even better communicator.  Pray for me as I seek help in these areas.  Maybe a nice run would help me get back on track.

Living and learning,


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"Do I Know You?"

Do you every do the awkward stare thinking I know that person but I don't know if they know me?  I do that a lot!! I guess I'm afraid of "rejection".  I put in quotation marks to use the term loosely.  I do not like to be wrong or feel wrong so I guess seeing someone I know and if they do not know me could be a form of rejection.

Another reason I might do that awkward look is because I'm just hoping I have the right name.  Most of the time I do I just don't want to make a fool out of myself by not saying the right name.  But another thing that I need to work on is knowing that you know someone and you know they know you too but you don't want to say hey because it's been forever since you have seen them last and then what do you say to them.  I think this is the most awkward situation out of all of these scenarios.

But why are they so awkward? For some people none of this seems awkward it just seems silly that you wouldn't just say what is on your mind.  Other people might agree with me or other people are reading this thinking does she have a point.  Yes, I do.

The only way to grow in life and meet new people is by taking that leap of faith and talking to the people you probably know and they know you too you are just scared to say the first word.  This world, I think, is built on relationships.  Without communication we cannot learn what is going on, who people are, how they tick and so on.  So what I'm saying to all of you and to myself is say something.  The worst that can happen is they look at you strange and then you can continue the conversation by finding a new friend or building a relationship that was lost along the way of this crazy hectic life! The more people in your life the happier, I personally feel, you will be.

Happy Talking,
