Do you every do the awkward stare thinking I know that person but I don't know if they know me? I do that a lot!! I guess I'm afraid of "rejection". I put in quotation marks to use the term loosely. I do not like to be wrong or feel wrong so I guess seeing someone I know and if they do not know me could be a form of rejection.
Another reason I might do that awkward look is because I'm just hoping I have the right name. Most of the time I do I just don't want to make a fool out of myself by not saying the right name. But another thing that I need to work on is knowing that you know someone and you know they know you too but you don't want to say hey because it's been forever since you have seen them last and then what do you say to them. I think this is the most awkward situation out of all of these scenarios.
But why are they so awkward? For some people none of this seems awkward it just seems silly that you wouldn't just say what is on your mind. Other people might agree with me or other people are reading this thinking does she have a point. Yes, I do.
The only way to grow in life and meet new people is by taking that leap of faith and talking to the people you probably know and they know you too you are just scared to say the first word. This world, I think, is built on relationships. Without communication we cannot learn what is going on, who people are, how they tick and so on. So what I'm saying to all of you and to myself is say something. The worst that can happen is they look at you strange and then you can continue the conversation by finding a new friend or building a relationship that was lost along the way of this crazy hectic life! The more people in your life the happier, I personally feel, you will be.
Happy Talking,
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