
Thursday, July 21, 2011

My Passion

Have you ever had that moment where you realized exactly what you were made to do in this life?  Have you ever had that moment and then realized it may be too late?

I was sitting in class the other day listening to my professor lecture on America's obesity levels and how food has such an impact on our lives.  And as I listened to this lecture I began to realize that I started to ache inside my body. I wanted to do something about these numbers.  I had a burn inside of me to make a difference.  So, I started to drift from the main point of the lecture and caught myself thinking, "What if?" What if I had come to college and known how to study and manage my time better? What if I didn't make the decision to switch majors? Then a huge cloud of regret began to weigh on me.  I love my major and the things I am learning but for the past couple of days I've thought what if I had stayed in Nutrition & Health? I could have easily fulfilled my passion.

If you haven't caught on yet, I have discovered that my passion is to inspire people, motivate people, and help people realize how important nutrition, exercise, and mental stability are.  To target my passion, obesity has weighed heavily on my heart. The Biggest Loser is one of my favorite shows (Thanks Mom!) and those people inspire me more than these super skinny models and people who have always been fit.  They make me want to be better because they are making themselves better.  I want to help people who are having trouble making it all "click".  I want to inspire people to make themselves better.  Is this still possible with the study course I've chosen? I sure hope so.

I am hoping to make my first move towards this goal by becoming certified in a spin class or aerobics instructor.  After graduation, I hope I can find a career that stays within the boundaries of Hospitality Management because quality service is another huge passion of mine but staying parallel with nutrition and health.  I don't like to say that I have regrets so I am going to make the best out of everything I have.  I may not have chosen to study Nutrition & Health but taking Food & Beverage Management courses and Food Production classes, I have a feeling my major is going to help me find exactly what I need to do.

Reaching for the stars,


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