Hello devoted followers! :)
My next few blog post (in the next few days) are going to be titled Food For Thought. The reason? I hope to post during lunch time which is when I do most of my thinking because I normally have lunch alone. Also, I've had a lot of thoughts on my mind lately that I cannot include in just one blog post.
This blog is about perfection. I am a huge perfectionist. Part of working in the hospitality industry means that nothing is perfect and things can always be altered. One of the standard questions I've gotten in hospitality related interviews is "When you walk into a room, can you see things that need to be changed?" The correct answer: Yes.
Being perfect is impossible. There was only one person to walk this Earth that was perfect and He will be the only one that will ever be. Most people (especially girls, and especially myself) are EXTREMELY hard on themselves. Examples: "I'm too fat." "I have too many wrinkles." "I will never be as pretty as you." Most of these things number one, probably aren't true you just see yourself in a different way than other people. Number two, most of them cannot be changed. But the main point I want to get at is that NO ONE and I repeat NO ONE is perfect!
When asked to rate yourself on a 1-10 scale 10 being the highest, where would you rate yourself? In any category: personality, looks, work ethic, etc. I, personally, could never ever give myself a 10 in any category because back to the golden rule of this blog: NO ONE is perfect. There is always room for change. Being the person that I am and how hard I am on myself, that is probably not a good way to look at it. But I just think it's practical.
Let me known, I, Kayla Preston, am far far FAR from perfect. I upset a lot of people, I say the wrong things, I always think I'm right, I am rude sometimes, I always want my way. Reevaluate yourself if you think you are perfect. I'm not saying to put yourself down, but don't hold yourself so high that you think there is nothing you would change about yourself. It's an important lesson to learn in this brutal world because you will always be knocked down another notch by something or someone.
Until Next Time,
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