
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Set in My Old Ways

Humans are all creatures of habit.  I am especially.  I have been bitting my nails since I was in the second or third grade and had to wear fake nails for a year just so I would stop bitting them.  I'm a week strong so let's hope I will stop this disgusting habit.

Habits.  How do we break them? Are all habits bad? My habits seem to always be bad.  I have come to a realization that I'm not as good of a person as I believe myself to be.  I do the right things or so I think but I have some nasty habits that have to be broken.  I have the biggest attitude anyone could imagine.  I have always had an attitude, for as long as I can remember.  My parents have home videos of me acting like a complete brat.  In high school, I thought it was hilarious to show them, and now I'm so embarrassed by the way I acted and still do to some extent.  I always have to be right.  This might come with the attitude and that I'm a female but for some reason I cannot STAND to be wrong.  I always think my ideas are better than everyone else's, I always think the "facts" I state are right and most of the time they are completely off, and I absolutely hate to be beaten.  I also have a tendency to pitch a fit when I don't get my way.  So childish I know, but that's how bad I have to be right.  Lastly, I put people down for my own pleasure.  I hate admitting this because I feel I am such a people person and always try to make other people happy.  This flaw has slowly started to get better but I'm still hurting the people I love most.

So how do I change this stuff? Most of these things have been habits since I was four years old.  These problems are not good.  It is not very grown up of me to be acting in these manners.  I am completely disgusted with myself because I have found myself being completely selfish.  I have been doing some deep soul searching this weekend and still can't find a way to make all these things better.  I hope it changes soon and I will continue to pray that it does.  I don't want to be this way anymore.  It's time to be an adult and handle problems in adult ways.

Searching for answers,


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Music is Key

It has been a grumbling last few days.  I haven't been myself and this weather is really starting to get to me.  One thing I have found that really gets me back on track is music.  Music isn't much to some people but it can make the world of difference in your life.

I am a huge fan of any genre of music.  I honestly do not have a favorite because it depends on my mood.  If I'm happy I'm usual all about anything I can sing my lungs out too.  If I'm angry, I want loud, meaningful lyrics, rock music.  If I'm sad or feeling down about things, I like to listen to alternative music and love songs.  The most relaxing music to study to is classical.  Nothing beats a piano melody while you are reading horrible ethics articles.

With all that being said I have crossed all these different emotions this week.  It's been an eventful week.  Junior year is starting to settle in and I get more and more excited about what the future holds for me as the days go on.  I have been extremely busy but I always have my music on me.  If it isn't "on-on" it's playing in my head.  Keep this thought with you: music can set your mood.  If you are feeling down, turn on something that is going to brighten your day.  Do something to get your mind away from your thoughts and seriously get into the music.  If people could only see what character (def: the things you do when no one is watching) I have.  I am a dancing, singing, fun-loving creature.  Creature is a good word to use because I pretty much have an out of body experience while I listen to music.  Get into the zone.  While that music is playing, it's you against the music (quote from Britney :D).  

I don't know where this blog is going except to tell you that you can be who you want to be when you have music in your life.  You make that decision everyday when you wake up.  You choose your attitude for the day.  Like I said at the beginning, I've been way off balance this week and you know what NO ONE is going to push me off my pogo stick.  I am a very blessed and lucky girl to have the things I have in my life. You can be too if you just look around.  Music is key people.  Put your headphones in while you are walking to class or working out, go to Google and type in radio stations while you are at work, or just sing a little melody in your head.  You will start to realize just how much music can change your life.

Singing my lungs out,


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Put on Your Happy Face

Hello everyone... I hope this finds you in good spirits.  For the last week, I have been extremely motivated, happy, and just enjoying life staying as busy as possible.  BUT do you ever get to those times in your life where motivation is hard to come by, happiness is still there you just aren't as bubbly as you normally are, and the craziness just wears you down?  Well, I am there.  School just started back but I can feel this semester going by faster than the last one.

I feel like I am a pretty open person.  I post status' frequently, my Twitter gets updated every time something crosses my mind, I write blogs about my whole life, and I'm pretty active.  But I don't feel like I've shared the negative parts about me.  A quality I believe I have recently acquired is putting on my happy face.  My biggest pet peeve is negative people.  So this leads me to believe I haven't been telling you everything that goes on.  People who say every thing gets on their nerves and anything/every thing you do for them will never be good enough to make them happy, drive me crazy.  So I try to stay away from all the negative energy.  But sometimes it may be good to know that not everything I do is as strong as it appears.

This weekend has worn me down.  My happy face has become a "no teeth" smile (which is never me). My drive to always please people is still there but my drive to do things for myself is just not.  I have got to get myself back to the positive me because I've got a full week ahead of me.  I know I can do it because God never puts too much on my plate for me to handle.  I believe in myself and getting back to that stage very soon.

The reason I am writing this blog is to let you all know that not everyone is always happy, motivated, and driven to do things.  You will have those off days.  Just try not to make it a constant emotion for yourself, it's annoying.  And to conclude, I'm writing this blog to remind myself how annoying being down really is.  This is my wake up call to get motivated again and smile at everything (with teeth) because there is no reason to be a sour puss!  I hope this can get your week started right.  Know that it is okay to be out of whack a few days but once you find yourself becoming the "Negative Nancy", find a way to change your attitude for the better because like my Momma always told me... "Attitude is EVERYTHING!"

Best Regards,


Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Friends will come and go but your true friends will always be there for you.

College has been an amazing experience for me and it still isn't over.  I didn't have many "true" friends in high school.  There were a few that were always there for me in my lowest times and can I just say high school had some of the lowest times of my life.  But most of those friends were either younger or older so my senior year was a very lonely year for me.  I waited for months and months to finally get the letter saying I would be attending Auburn University.  When that letter finally came, all I could think about was getting out of that awful town and moving.  I knew that once I came to Auburn my whole life would change and man did it change.  My first week at Auburn I got into a minor car wreck.  It was pouring down rain and I had NO ONE to call but my mother who couldn't do anything for me two hours away.  Thankfully, a few days later, I met a girl who changed my life and made me realize what a true friend was.  Soon after that, I met six more girls that formed my support system.

These girls mean the world to me and without them I wouldn't be where I am today.  We have been through some troubled times, we have been through some silent periods, but no matter how bad things got or how long we had been without talking we picked right back up where we left off of being best friends.

I write this short little blog to say that you cannot get through life without friends.  You may think it's hard to find friends.  You may think that you don't have any true friends.  But if you ever have a problem and you call that person you think "isn't a friend" and they are there for you in the waiting room of a hospital because you have flipped your car and your parents are driving two hours to make sure you are alive...  That is a true friend.  That is who will always be with you no matter what.  Through all the guys you will cry your eyes out over, for all the not so true friends stabbing you in the back, and for all those happy times, like a 21st birthday.  They will never disappoint.  Count your blessings.  Most people aren't even blessed enough to even have one true friend and I can say I have eleven girls who will always be there for me.


Friday, January 14, 2011


Today, I was asked by one of my Twitter followers, "How do you stay so motivated to workout?" I gave him my short answer and told him that he inspired me to write this blog post.  So this is to him and anyone else who has a hard time making yourself do the dreaded workout.

I'm no workout guru and I definitely do not have any special tips on how to lose weight the fastest.  Tonight, I simple want to talk about motivation.  That's all working out is.  Taking something inside of you or around you and making yourself get through a workout.  Without motivation, you can't workout.  I tell my Mom all the time that when I run, I could run forever if I just didn't think about it.  I told my follower three things that keep me motivated to workout.  1. Dr. Lynch 2. My boyfriend  and 3. Myself. (Note: These are not in an order of importance just of how I will talk about them.)

Dr. Lynch:  I have talked about him before on one of my blog posts.  I saw him on Sunday's when I would finally decide to come home from college.  But before college he was my mentor/Sunday School teacher my senior year.  He changed my life dramatically.  Like I talked about in my New Year's Resolution post, one of my goals is to run a half-marathon in honor of Dr. Lynch.  I set a marathon last year and didn't reach my goal.  When I run my half-marathon, finishing it will give me the motivation to push for a full and I hopefully I will accomplish that goal before graduation.  Dr. Lynch, even though he is not here with me, gives me the motivation to get myself out of the bed, go for a run, and complete this challenge for him.

My boyfriend:  I haven't talked about him much on my blog but he has made a huge impact on my life.  He could be a workout guru, if he wanted. (haha) He is 6'5" and is built like a basketball player.  This summer, he set a challenge for himself to complete the P90X workout and in return I told him I wanted to do it too.  Well, we both completed the workout and did not get the results we wanted (probably because we weren't as strict with our diets).  I got bulky, like I was in high school.  All muscle covered with little bits of fat.
          B (my boyfriend) eats extremely well.  He isn't obsessive over his diet but he knows what is good for him and he eats it.  I use to always feel bad at the end of the day when B would ask, "Well what did you eat today?" My response, "Kraft Mac-a-roni & Cheese for lunch and a frozen pizza for dinner."  His response, "Well, that would be why you feel bad." I LOVE Mac-a-roni & Cheese, pizza, any kind of desserts, and Diet Coke!! It's so hard for me to cut these things out of my diet.  Honestly, I haven't completely cut them out.  I just manage how much I eat, when I eat it, and what kind it is (meaning Lean Cuisine Mac-a-roni and low fat desserts).
          What I'm getting at is you have to have an accountability partner.  Without someone to keep you on the same page you will stray.  You won't get up and workout and you'll sit on the couch eating.  BUT with someone helping you, reminding you, pushing you, you will have to get up and workout and in my case eat healthy.  B and I do not workout together, but at the end of the day we always talk about what we did that day.  It use to suck hearing him say what workout he did and what he had to eat for the day.  Now, I've gotten so much more focused, and at the end of the day I'm proud to talk about my workout and what I ate.  Now we have an actual accountable relationship.  Before, he was doing all the reminding and pushing.

Myself: The hardest thing in the world is to make yourself workout.  If you do not have that drive to want to change your body, want to feel good about yourself, or want to do something for yourself you will not be motivated to workout, ever.  Working out is not fun (for the most part).  You put yourself through pain, sweat, and it uses up a lot of free-time.  My workout time is my me time.  I do my best thinking when I have headphones in and I am running outside.  I continue to stay motivated because I have a HUGE fear of becoming overweight.  I know it sounds snobby but I have had nightmares about being obese.  I do not want that.  Therefore, everyday I make myself do some kind of workout.  I stay fairly busy.  So sometimes my workout may consist of a small run and abs.  Other days I can take a class at the gym, use the elliptical, treadmill, and the bike all in one workout.

You are your biggest motivation.  If you do not want the feeling, the results, the power you have after a completed workout, it is very hard to motivate yourself to spend an hour in misery.  An accountability partner is a huge plus for me.  You can stay motivated all by yourself but if you see you are having a little bit of trouble call a friend.  They will be there to support you on those days you just want to lay in the bed, on the days it rains, and on the days you have no time.  Set a goal for yourself.  By having small, attainable goals you will keep yourself motivated for short amount of times and once you reach that goal, set another one.  Make your goals attainable.  If you never reach your goals you will be defeated and very unmotivated.

I hope this helped a little bit.  If you have any other questions or want to know more about how I stay motivated write a comment, Facebook me, Follow me on Twitter.  I will be happy to share with you all the other things in my life that keep me motivated.  These are just the top three reasons I wake up and make sure throughout my hectic schedule I get a workout in for those things.  Have a blessed Friday and do something for yourself! It's totally worth it!

Love and hugs,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

We are the Champions!

We are the Champions, my friend *sing in Queen's voice*!!! :D  I can't believe that we actually won the National Championship.  It still hasn't set in.  I guess that's why I've driven/walked by Toomer's a total of six times just to look at the toilet paper! I swear it's prettier than snow.  Speaking of snow, the little "Snow Storm" the south had was non existent in Auburn, AL.  While my mother and sister got a good four-five inches of snow only 100 or so miles above me, Auburn got windshields covered in 1/4th of an inch of ice.  The state of Alabama doesn't see snow very often so when they do the whole state shuts down until there is nothing left on the ground.  My sister has been out of school for three days and Auburn was closed for two because..... well we'll just say it was for the National Championship because there was no snow. :)

Today, I embarked on my first day of classes in my second semester of my junior year.  I can't believe I am this old.  College has flown by.  I am taking some not so interesting classes this year but I'm also taking some classes that I'm so excited about I might just quit school now to start my career in these classes.  The two I'm talking about are Catering & Event Management and Club Management.  I know what you are thinking: "Is this girl serious? Is she actually going to school to take a class on that?" Why yes, yes I am.  Call it what you want (MRS degree, joke classes, etc.) I LOVE my major!! While I still think it should be called Hospitality Management, I'm enjoying my professional electives already and I haven't even been to Club Management yet.

I had an interview today for an internship I've been wanting since before Thanksgiving.  I hope everything turns out my way because I turned down the best opportunity any college kid could get.  This past fall, I applied to the Disney College Internship Program, got a position, and turned it down.  I know, I know.  You are thinking again: "This girl is crazy! She takes joke classes in college and can work for Mickey Mouse for a semester paid and she turned it down?!"  Well, after reviewing everything, I came to the conclusion that the position wasn't where I wanted to get my experience.  This opportunity would have opened doors to anywhere I wanted a job because let's face it, nobody does hospitality like Disney!  So here's to hoping I find an internship that will be spectacular, paid, and in a position that I can get the experience I want.

I'm going to go ahead and call myself superwoman this year.  I know it's conceded but let me explain myself.  I am taking 17 hours this semester, I have a job that I work crazy hours for but enjoy very much, I am planning a Gala for my Catering & Events class, I might be taking on a small second job, AND I am an SOS Orientation Leader.  You probably understand where most of my superpowers will be going towards except you might not know what an SOS Orientation Leader is.  Well, SOS is a sophomore/transfer/students who cannot attend Camp War Eagle, orientation program that the orientation leaders (that's me) run.  We help get these students on the right track to have a successful career at Auburn University.  If you don't know me then you might not know yet that I'm crazy obsessed about Auburn University.  I love knowing facts about this place that nobody knows, I love the people/atmosphere, and most of all I love love love everything about this campus.  Some of the tasks an orientation leader is in charge of is giving tours of the campus, leading a small group of students in discussions about the classes/Auburn/stuff you need to know to get you around this place.  Tomorrow, I have my first knowledge test.  The information for the first one is just the fight song and the alma mater.  The second test, OMG! Please keep your fingers crossed for me and say a little prayer.  It is a TON of information and one of the things is knowing the creed which will probably be the easiest thing on that test. :/  BUT I wanted to test my knowledge so I'm going to type it out for you and I promise I'm not looking.

Alma Mater: On the rolling plains of Dixie, Neath it's sun kissed sky, Proudly stands our Alma Mater, Banners high. To thy name we'll sing thy praise, From hearts that love so true, And pledge to they our loyalty, the ages through.  We hail the Auburn and we vow, to work for thy just fame, And hold in memory as we do now, Thy cherished name.

Fight Song: War Eagle fly down the field, Ever to conquer, Never to yield, War Eagle fearless and true, Fight on you orange and blue, Go Go Go, on to vict'ry strike up the band, Give 'em hell, Give 'em hell, stand up and yell, hey! War Eagle, win for Auburn power of Dixie Land!

Well I know the fight song but the Alma Mater might be a little messed up.  Thanks for the practice.  I hope everyone is having a blessed week and until next time....

Kayla :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Nothing to Something

I have erased the first line to this blog probably six or more times.  I don't have anything important to talk about (do I ever?) today but felt like blogging.  It's probably because I'm postponing my homework.  Auburn has cancelled class for tomorrow due to a winter storm advisory.  Personally I think they knew nobody was going to come anyway because of the National Championship but I appreciate them finally canceling.

The topic the last few days with some of my friends is how there have got to be some really messed up people in this world.  For the past couple of days that thought just keeps reoccurring and popping up everywhere.  I watched Sister, Sister yesterday and the episode was about people pretending to be someone they weren't on the internet.  The night before I was flipping through the channels to find the movie The Last House on the Left. Though I have never seen it, because I hate scary movies, my friends were telling me about how messed up it is.  Last night, my friends and I watched this awesome movie called Lord of Wars with Nicholas Cage.  While it was a pretty awesome movie, it was very disturbing to know that this stuff really happens.

It got me thinking about how there are some extremely messed up people in this world.  The people that come up with these movie plots and then the people that don't even come up with it but actually do it and then the movie ends up based on true events, are so far out there that it's hard to think about people actually doing crazy things like rape, robbery, killing, etc.  I like to give most people the benefit of the doubt which is not always a good thing.  A lot of my friends like to call me naive and are for the most part right.  

I am an internet queen! I love social networking, blogging, YouTubing, etc. etc.  My parents use to tell me all the time, "Be careful what you put out there.  There are some creepy people in this world." It never really occurred to me that this kind of stuff can happen to anyone.  I see myself as invincible, but so does every other teenager.  Well seeing how I'm 21 now, it's time I start wising up.  People get raped everyday, people get stalked everyday, people die everyday because of crooked people.  I can't prevent myself from dying but I can protect myself enough to live my life.  

I know this is a very different blog for me but I guess it was just what was on my mind.  Be careful out there and know that while you may be a good person there are some seriously crazy people in this world.  I may only be 21 but I have started to see just how crazy this world really is.  Guard yourself and don't be naive enough to think that nothing will happen to you because in the blink of an eye your world can change drastically!


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

I love the start of a new year.  It always makes me happy because it's like a fresh start.  It wasn't that way in high school but college definitely has a new start because you have all new classes starting which makes it more enjoyable. 

I use to never make new year's resolutions.  Well I did, I just never kept them.  Last year, my sunday school teacher (Dr. Lynch) put forth a challenge to make our new year's resolutions and actually keep them.  He was going to help us keep them by sending an e-mail out with what our goals were for the year sporadically that way we would actually stick to them.  July 5th, 2010, Dr. Lynch passed away.  He was such an amazing guy and friend.  Someone I could always turn to with my issues and know that he would never judge me and he would help me the best he could.  I kept all my new year's resolutions except one thanks to Dr. Lynch.  Because of him I am making new year's resolutions from here on out in honor of him and making sure I keep them.

On June 26th, Dr. Lynch finished participating in a sprint triathlon in 1:28! The one new year resolution I did not complete was running in a marathon.  This year one of my new year's resolutions is to run in a half marathon and hopefully the motivation of finish a half-marathon will push me to do a full marathon by the end of the year.  My Dad is training with me.  He was training with Dr. Lynch before he passed to do a triathlon with him (not as seriously training as Steve but putting forth a lot of effort ;D). 

While a half/full marathon is one of my new year's resolutions I have a few more.  I put to make good grades (All A's/B's) on my resolutions again this year.  It worked pretty well last year with my spring semester finishing with a 3.75 GPA and ending up on the Dean's list and the fall semester with a 4.0 GPA! I'm pretty sure that's the best I've done since the eighth grade. (haha)

I have always been a pretty independent person but have recently started being clingy.  This year I hope to be more independent.  Girls nights, nights to myself, not asking for much of anyone, and really just becoming my own person again.  The people that are in my life are very important and special people.  I'm not cutting them out just starting to be more appreciative of everything they do for me, realizing that I don't need them to do everything for me and that everything I want I don't always need.

I am in the second semester of my junior year (technically a senior with hours) and starting to realize that life is about to hit me in the face.  I graduate in a year and one semester and then move to a new town with a real job and bills to pay.  Oh fun! While I can't wait for real life to actually set in, it is definitely creeping up on me fast.  I will be in search for an internship for the summer which should be a baby step into what will happen to me in 2012. 

Be sure to keep reading to see how the year goes and how much things are changing.  I hope everyone has a blessed and happy new year.  Take on your new year's resolution to make yourself feel accomplished.  You can do it.  If you need help staying on task remember Dr. Lynch and maybe I'll be able to help just a little.  I'll be reminding you of mine throughout the year.  :)

Bringing in the new year with power,

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas Break

Hello dear friends. It has been quite a little bit since I've posted.  To catch you up since Christmas Eve I have been a busy girl.  My mom drove me to Atlanta on Christmas morning and I flew out at 12pm with the Donahue's to Jamaica for 5 days.  Jamaica was so much fun.  We got to layout, read, swim in the freezing lazy river, go down the big slide (which was so much fun), and go on a 3.8 mile run every morning with my workout crazed boyfriend (Thanks B!).  The run was on the back nine of the golf course at the Rose Hall Hilton Resort.  WOW! It was hilly but over looked the entire resort and ocean.  It was gorgeous.  That was the only thing that kept me going. We left Jamaica on the 30th which happened to be the only sunny day we had.  I tanned for a few hours that morning and headed to the airport.  The airport was a madhouse.  There were hundreds of people trying to get through security to get to seven or eight gates all leaving close to the same time.  While we were waiting to get on the plane, we all got upgraded to FIRST CLASS! AH! What a perfect way to start my birthday weekend! I am so spoiled.  Thank you Mr. Donahue for a great birthday present!

Even though our plane got delayed an hour, we landed, got through customs, claimed baggage, rechecked baggage, went through security, and reclaimed baggage all by 8pm.  I had a lot of stuff to get done before the party the next day so I came back to AU that night.  That night, my dear friends kidnapped me and I went and bought my first alcoholic purchase.  After I got out of the store, I was blindfolded and driven all around Auburn, parked, and walked me to what I didn't know at the time Samford Hall.  I finally got to take my blindfold off and I had my first drink at Samford Hall. So memorable! Thanks girls!  The next morning I woke up at 8am and started the day going going and going.  My family came into town and took me to lunch! I was so happy to see them! Afterwards my family came back to my apartment and helped me set up for the party that night.  My dad mounted the TV, Mom and Jaime helped me take down the Christmas decor, and they went and bought goodies for everyone to snack on that night. Thanks again family for all your help.  I was never going to get that done by myself.  

Later that night, the festivities started.  My friends and I went to dinner at Laredo's, I went to the bar with the only two people that were 21 (haha), and came back to my apartment where I was able to spend the best birthday with the most fun people!!! We had so much fun and my neighbors came over and brought in the new year with us.  I could not have had a better birthday.  I feel so blessed to have the friends I have in my life.  They are so awesome!!

The Christmas break is almost over and the New Year has started.  I'll leave this post to just Christmas break and catch up with you guys tomorrow on my new year plans! :D It's going to be a great year.  Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas break and a Happy New Year!

Feeling blessed,