There are so many different kind of people in this world. Ones who are positive and ones who are negative. Ones who have to be in the lime light and ones who would rather just be in the shadows. Ones who think they know it all/everybody and ones who know a lot but choose not to say anything. I would like to say I tolerate a lot of these kind of people but a lot of people in my life would laugh and say "Yeah right!" The bad part about all this is I am some of what I can't stand in people. But my biggest pet peeve is negative people and I'm proud to say I am not one of those people. I can't remember how the quote goes but something about you are what you hang around? You all know what I'm talking about (I hope, ha). The best thing I have found to do is to just push those people out of my life. I can't stand to be around them because like I said in my other post I turn into them. I have very special people in my life who make me who I am and I am so thankful for them. I can't imagine my life without the one who never complains, the one who is always smiling and bubbly, the one who tells me like it is and makes sure my head is screwed on straight, the one who gives me advice, the one who watches me from a distance and always lets me know they are praying and thinking about me, the one who may be younger than me but teaches me stuff every time I see them, and of course the one who is patient, caring, and so mature. I envy all these people in my life and hope that I can pick up qualities they have and carry them with me throughout my life.
I've had a lot of these thoughts laying on my heart recently because I have been struggling with accepting everyone for who they are and I've come to the conclusion I'm not going to keep those bad influence people in my life. Good bye negativity, know it all's, and rude, lying people. I have 18 months until I graduate and go into the real world. I'm making the most out of it and embracing all the positive, say just enough, caring, nice people.
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