Is it weird that I love interviews? Probably, because most people stress over them to the extend of perspiring through their suits. When I first came to Auburn interviewing was my weakest point. I couldn't get through an interview without making a complete fool of myself. Now, interviewing is like meeting new people. Talking about yourself and your interests, it's one of the easiest things people can talk about.
I have always had a job. Since before it was legal and as soon as I turned sixteen I got my first "real" job. I didn't interview much in my small town but once I came to college it seems that interviewing is a monthly activity. Interviewing for organizations, for work, and for friends. Interviewing became one of those things you just weren't going to be good at unless you practiced, practiced, practiced. I have interviewed so much in the past year that interviewing after college should hopefully be a little easier. I know those interviews are a lot more stressful because you have a full-time job at risk but hopefully with all this practice I'll be able to put my best self forward.
In the next couple of weeks, I will hopefully be interviewing for a leadership position at the hotel. It is an hour and a half interview of questions solely on leadership and what it entails. Phone interviews are great because as long as you are smiling as you talk you don't have the intimidation of someone writing down every answer you say right in front of you. Some of the best I advice I ever got for interviewing was to smile through your voice, be yourself, and don't be afraid to pause. It's better to pause than say "um" or "like".
Go ahead and prepare yourself for some always asked questions. Never fails, every interview I can remember doing has asked: 1. What are your strengths? 2. What are your weaknesses? 3. Tell us about yourself and 4. Do you have any questions? That last question is more important than you think. That in itself is asking "Are you really interested in this company?" With a quick answer of "no" that quickly sends your information to the trash can. Even if I think I know everything I could know about the position I am applying for I find something to ask. Reiterate what they have already asked you and make sure you have the right information about it or ask when you might expect to hear back from them. It's always nice to know that after 30 minutes of hearing your ramble on and on about yourself they have the same opportunity to tell you even more about themselves or the company/organization they are affiliated with.
This blog probably means nothing to anybody reading this but I had some free time and writing is a way of relaxation. I don't get much time to just write so thanks for letting me talk about absolutely nothing meaningful today.
Happy Interviewing!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Be There
Before I get to studying my life away, I just wanted to post some thoughts that have been rolling through my head all last week.
Two words: Be there.
In SOS, we have four "FISH" philosophy's we are suppose to implement in our orientation sessions. Well I must say, they need to be applied in our everyday lives as well. The four philosophy's are: Play, Make Their Day, Choose Your Attitude, and Be There. We have had exercises on all of them but last week we did activities related to Be There and they really stuck with me throughout the week.
Being there for someone is so much more than physically being there. We have to be there mentally as well. Someone mentioned in SOS "Being There" reminded them of the theme song of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. That show was my Mom's favorite and I grew up watching and listening to that song all the time and really had no idea what the words of the song were. As I've grown up and actually learned the words to the song it really is a fantastic theme song for that show and our lives. We cannot just be independent and hope to get through this world. It's brutal out there. Knowing that there is someone in your lives day to day that cares about you, supports you, wants to know all about your day, and will be there with you through the thick and thin is so comforting. Being there can mean sending them a note, calling them, asking how their day has been and really listening to what they have to say, giving a compliment, sharing something in common, or spending your precious time with someone who may need it more than you do.
This week was my second week of training. I hit some major goals and could not have done it with out the support of my friends, family, and all you guys who have read this blog, commented on my status', and texted/called me with encouraging words. I have never ran 7 miles together in my entire life. I couldn't believe I made it through with out stopping and only three blisters (haha). I also completed my miles in 10 minutes which has been my goal throughout training. I want to finish the half-marathon in 2.10.00. I know that's a high goal to shoot for so I'm thinking of raising it to 2.30.00. That way I won't be completed disappointed when I get no where close to 2.10.00. This coming week I am going to hit some more major milestones in my training. I hope to go home on Saturday and my run that day consists of 8 miles! Hopefully I can find some where in my 5-mile span of a town to run 8 (haha, joking about the 5-mile town).
In conclusion, I have realized this week that I give up on people when they don't give 100% or at least I don't think they do. I am hoping to turn this around. I can be there for someone when they need someone the most, even if they think they can go through the world with as little people as possible. I am still going to be there. This blog has taught me a lot. The people that have read my blogs have been so encouraging to me and I just hope that this cyberspace thing is as encouraging to them/y'all. Have a fantastic week and make sure you "Be There" for someone this week to help them with whatever may be going on in their lives even if you have no idea what that something may be.
Two words: Be there.
In SOS, we have four "FISH" philosophy's we are suppose to implement in our orientation sessions. Well I must say, they need to be applied in our everyday lives as well. The four philosophy's are: Play, Make Their Day, Choose Your Attitude, and Be There. We have had exercises on all of them but last week we did activities related to Be There and they really stuck with me throughout the week.
Being there for someone is so much more than physically being there. We have to be there mentally as well. Someone mentioned in SOS "Being There" reminded them of the theme song of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. That show was my Mom's favorite and I grew up watching and listening to that song all the time and really had no idea what the words of the song were. As I've grown up and actually learned the words to the song it really is a fantastic theme song for that show and our lives. We cannot just be independent and hope to get through this world. It's brutal out there. Knowing that there is someone in your lives day to day that cares about you, supports you, wants to know all about your day, and will be there with you through the thick and thin is so comforting. Being there can mean sending them a note, calling them, asking how their day has been and really listening to what they have to say, giving a compliment, sharing something in common, or spending your precious time with someone who may need it more than you do.
This week was my second week of training. I hit some major goals and could not have done it with out the support of my friends, family, and all you guys who have read this blog, commented on my status', and texted/called me with encouraging words. I have never ran 7 miles together in my entire life. I couldn't believe I made it through with out stopping and only three blisters (haha). I also completed my miles in 10 minutes which has been my goal throughout training. I want to finish the half-marathon in 2.10.00. I know that's a high goal to shoot for so I'm thinking of raising it to 2.30.00. That way I won't be completed disappointed when I get no where close to 2.10.00. This coming week I am going to hit some more major milestones in my training. I hope to go home on Saturday and my run that day consists of 8 miles! Hopefully I can find some where in my 5-mile span of a town to run 8 (haha, joking about the 5-mile town).
In conclusion, I have realized this week that I give up on people when they don't give 100% or at least I don't think they do. I am hoping to turn this around. I can be there for someone when they need someone the most, even if they think they can go through the world with as little people as possible. I am still going to be there. This blog has taught me a lot. The people that have read my blogs have been so encouraging to me and I just hope that this cyberspace thing is as encouraging to them/y'all. Have a fantastic week and make sure you "Be There" for someone this week to help them with whatever may be going on in their lives even if you have no idea what that something may be.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
How ironic that I would take an AU Knowledge test on all of Auburn's traditions the day before we found out about Harvey (Al) Updyke poisoning Toomer's Corner.
If some of you do not know already, Auburn is what I consider my home. I know it sadness my parents but they know how much this place means to me. It's not about the professors or classes (like it should be), it's not about the school/university (it's a close second), but it's about the people I have met here and what they/it (the town) has done for me. This place has given me so many opportunities that the small town I'm originally from, never could have given me. I grew up an Alabama fan because I was a Daddy's little girl. Until, I started applying to colleges. Everyone from my hometown was "going to the University of Alabama, no doubt". That was their school. Well, I had NO intentions of keeping in touch with ANYONE I went to high school with so I chose the polar opposite, Auburn University. I visited the campus one weekend that my mom had to come for continuing education. I took a tour by myself, walked around downtown, got some Toomer's Lemonade and realized what a spectacular place this town was and I didn't know a soul at this point. Anyways, three years later and if it wasn't for Auburn and the people in it I never would have gotten my life back and become myself again.
On my AU Knowledge test this week, we were asked to describe these six traditions: Tiger VI/Spirit, Aubie, "Hey" Day, Tiger Walk, Spirit Walk, and last but certainly not least Rolling Toomer's Corner. I thought it was kind of a joke to study those traditions because they are such a big deal of my life already I didn't need to know anything else about them. BUT when I got to "Hey" Day and the description beside it read:
"...this day is symbolic of the year-round friendly atmosphere in Auburn."
It made me think about how deep these traditions run in Auburn people. This is how Rolling Toomer's Corner read:
"After any Auburn athletic victory, fans march up to the intersection of Magnolia Ave. & College St. (known as Toomer's Corner) & roll the trees with toliet paper on the campus side of the corner. Tradition began when the cheerleaders would announce the score to the townspeople on the step of Langdon Hall after which the rolling started. Toomer's Corner was named after Sheldon Toomer, longtime operator of Toomer's Drug Store, which is known for it's lemonade. This is where campus ends and the town begins."
That last sentence means so much more than it really shows. Yes, Auburn is a university inside a small town, but where Toomer's meets is how this whole place is connected; around FAMILY! If you go to Toomer's by yourself, it won't matter because you will make friends there because we are all there to celebrate with family.
I love rivalries! I love sports! But this Old South rivalry is getting extremely out of hand. My PaPa has heard me say numerous of times, "I hate that town, I can't stand it, I will never have anything to do with it." I could never say I hate that place now because I would never want to ruin someone's tradition. I will just politely say, "I don't care for their football team." In an article on, Clay says we should take the year off. I am completely behind him. Maybe with the break the rivalry will settle back down. I don't understand why everyone is so hostile. Alabama won the National Championship in 2009 and Auburn won it in 2010. Can we just say, SEC domination??
My parents always taught me to respect people. I use to get in so much trouble if I didn't say "Yes ma'am, No ma'am, Yes sir, No sir." The south knows how to respect people and I just don't understand how you can KILL a tree. The latest I've heard is the injection is spreading, rapidly. It could easily kill other things on campus because of how big the dose was. BUT if it gets into our water system, Mr. Updyke could be faced with attempted mass murder. I really hope your disrespect was worth it to end up in prison for life. (Could thing Dad retires in a few short months :D).
I know everyone just thinks of Toomer's as a tree and it doesn't mean anything but Toomer's is to Auburn as Ugga is to UGA and National Championships are to Alabama. If you take these things away from these schools it's not a laughing matter. This tradition has been around for years and years and years. It's a place to take your kids too, your grandkids too, to get proposed to, and to take pictures at to remember the victory of a huge game. I know this stuff is getting repetitive within my blog and everyone else's comments on Toomer's. As Jay Gouge says,
"It is understandable to feel outrage in reaction to a malicious act of vandalism. However, we should live up to the example we set in becoming national champions and the beliefs expressed in our Auburn Creed."
If some of you do not know already, Auburn is what I consider my home. I know it sadness my parents but they know how much this place means to me. It's not about the professors or classes (like it should be), it's not about the school/university (it's a close second), but it's about the people I have met here and what they/it (the town) has done for me. This place has given me so many opportunities that the small town I'm originally from, never could have given me. I grew up an Alabama fan because I was a Daddy's little girl. Until, I started applying to colleges. Everyone from my hometown was "going to the University of Alabama, no doubt". That was their school. Well, I had NO intentions of keeping in touch with ANYONE I went to high school with so I chose the polar opposite, Auburn University. I visited the campus one weekend that my mom had to come for continuing education. I took a tour by myself, walked around downtown, got some Toomer's Lemonade and realized what a spectacular place this town was and I didn't know a soul at this point. Anyways, three years later and if it wasn't for Auburn and the people in it I never would have gotten my life back and become myself again.
On my AU Knowledge test this week, we were asked to describe these six traditions: Tiger VI/Spirit, Aubie, "Hey" Day, Tiger Walk, Spirit Walk, and last but certainly not least Rolling Toomer's Corner. I thought it was kind of a joke to study those traditions because they are such a big deal of my life already I didn't need to know anything else about them. BUT when I got to "Hey" Day and the description beside it read:
"...this day is symbolic of the year-round friendly atmosphere in Auburn."
It made me think about how deep these traditions run in Auburn people. This is how Rolling Toomer's Corner read:

That last sentence means so much more than it really shows. Yes, Auburn is a university inside a small town, but where Toomer's meets is how this whole place is connected; around FAMILY! If you go to Toomer's by yourself, it won't matter because you will make friends there because we are all there to celebrate with family.
I love rivalries! I love sports! But this Old South rivalry is getting extremely out of hand. My PaPa has heard me say numerous of times, "I hate that town, I can't stand it, I will never have anything to do with it." I could never say I hate that place now because I would never want to ruin someone's tradition. I will just politely say, "I don't care for their football team." In an article on, Clay says we should take the year off. I am completely behind him. Maybe with the break the rivalry will settle back down. I don't understand why everyone is so hostile. Alabama won the National Championship in 2009 and Auburn won it in 2010. Can we just say, SEC domination??
My parents always taught me to respect people. I use to get in so much trouble if I didn't say "Yes ma'am, No ma'am, Yes sir, No sir." The south knows how to respect people and I just don't understand how you can KILL a tree. The latest I've heard is the injection is spreading, rapidly. It could easily kill other things on campus because of how big the dose was. BUT if it gets into our water system, Mr. Updyke could be faced with attempted mass murder. I really hope your disrespect was worth it to end up in prison for life. (Could thing Dad retires in a few short months :D).
I know everyone just thinks of Toomer's as a tree and it doesn't mean anything but Toomer's is to Auburn as Ugga is to UGA and National Championships are to Alabama. If you take these things away from these schools it's not a laughing matter. This tradition has been around for years and years and years. It's a place to take your kids too, your grandkids too, to get proposed to, and to take pictures at to remember the victory of a huge game. I know this stuff is getting repetitive within my blog and everyone else's comments on Toomer's. As Jay Gouge says,
"It is understandable to feel outrage in reaction to a malicious act of vandalism. However, we should live up to the example we set in becoming national champions and the beliefs expressed in our Auburn Creed."
Auburn University,
Toomer's Corner
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day or as some people refer to it as Singles-awareness Day!
I had a revolution this year. Valentine's day has never been my favorite holiday. I think it's just another way for Hallmark to stay in business. When I was little I always referred to Valentine's day as the day at school where you would get tons of Valentine's cards from all the kids in your class, but you had to be careful which ones you chose for certain people in your class because you didn't want them to think you had a crush on them. It was always fun seeing which Valentine's cards had suckers attached or the little heart's in bags with the sayings. As I grew up Valentine's day turned into a "OMG, he likes me. I have a Valentine. He better not break my heart." AND after a few Valentine's days of always being cheated on or hurt I completely turned my back against this holiday.
This year, Valentine's day is not about the boy or the stuff; it's just about the meaning. Valentine's day is a day to show the people you care about most in your life just how much you truly love them and care for them. I am so appreciative of my family. They support me in so many ways and are always there for me no matter what. I am very thankful for my friends. Without them I would still be dating the guy that hurt me. And lastly, I'm extremely thankful for my boyfriend. I have never been more myself than I am at this point in my life. I can't give him all the credit but he has played a huge role in that.
To everyone that is against Valentine's day, just stop and be thankful for everything you have. You have at least one-two people who care about you more than you will ever know: your parents. Your grandparents who you might not see that much can still touch your heart just by a small post on your Facebook wall. Your animals, they will love you unconditionally. You can say all you want, I don't have a boyfriend, I'm single on Valentine's day, but in reality you have so many people in your life who care about your happiness. I hope everyone was able to enjoy Valentine's day in some way. I spent mine with my girlfriends, a home-cooked meal from my mother, and the Bachelor. Be thankful for who is in your life and don't take any second, minute, or day for granted. You never know when they might not be there anymore.
Sending my love your way if you still feel like you don't have anyone,
I had a revolution this year. Valentine's day has never been my favorite holiday. I think it's just another way for Hallmark to stay in business. When I was little I always referred to Valentine's day as the day at school where you would get tons of Valentine's cards from all the kids in your class, but you had to be careful which ones you chose for certain people in your class because you didn't want them to think you had a crush on them. It was always fun seeing which Valentine's cards had suckers attached or the little heart's in bags with the sayings. As I grew up Valentine's day turned into a "OMG, he likes me. I have a Valentine. He better not break my heart." AND after a few Valentine's days of always being cheated on or hurt I completely turned my back against this holiday.
This year, Valentine's day is not about the boy or the stuff; it's just about the meaning. Valentine's day is a day to show the people you care about most in your life just how much you truly love them and care for them. I am so appreciative of my family. They support me in so many ways and are always there for me no matter what. I am very thankful for my friends. Without them I would still be dating the guy that hurt me. And lastly, I'm extremely thankful for my boyfriend. I have never been more myself than I am at this point in my life. I can't give him all the credit but he has played a huge role in that.
To everyone that is against Valentine's day, just stop and be thankful for everything you have. You have at least one-two people who care about you more than you will ever know: your parents. Your grandparents who you might not see that much can still touch your heart just by a small post on your Facebook wall. Your animals, they will love you unconditionally. You can say all you want, I don't have a boyfriend, I'm single on Valentine's day, but in reality you have so many people in your life who care about your happiness. I hope everyone was able to enjoy Valentine's day in some way. I spent mine with my girlfriends, a home-cooked meal from my mother, and the Bachelor. Be thankful for who is in your life and don't take any second, minute, or day for granted. You never know when they might not be there anymore.
Sending my love your way if you still feel like you don't have anyone,
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Week One
I completed my first week of training successfully!! My times are getting better. My first mile of six yesterday was 9.30. My average time was 10.30. I'm really shooting for a 10 minute mile throughout the whole thing though.
Training has been a lot of fun so far. I feel like my days are busier than ever but when I'm training I go to a completely different state of mind. It's my time to think and just be by myself. Yesterday was my long run (6 miles) and I had the best time. The weather is FINALLY starting to listen to me :) It was a beautiful day to be outside. My run didn't consist of much thinking but listening to music and pushing myself through the distance. Running really is a mental thing. If you don't talk yourself out of quitting you probably will stop and walk.
My thinking really didn't start until I got home from the run and had an hour to get ready for dinner with my boyfriend and his family and our friends. I am happier than ever right now. I am a year away from graduation, training for a half-marathon, living in this perfect town, I have a family that supports me, friends that care about me, and a boyfriend that loves me unconditionally. I could not be more blessed right now. I'm living in the present which is not something I normally do (I'm a dreamer!) but what can get better than this? I don't write this to gloat but to say that you can find happiness in anything if you search deep enough. Some people search in all the wrong places and can't find what they are looking for. Find joy in what is in your life at the moment. You don't get a second chance. Spend each day thankful for what you have and don't sulk on the bad things. (I'm still working on this daily!)
Okay, now I'm preaching. Sorry. I just wanted to let you know training is going great and this next week is going to be a challenge in balancing my school life, training, social life, work life, and finding time to sleep. Wish me luck and I'll keep you posted very shortly on how life is going in Kayla-ville.
Training has been a lot of fun so far. I feel like my days are busier than ever but when I'm training I go to a completely different state of mind. It's my time to think and just be by myself. Yesterday was my long run (6 miles) and I had the best time. The weather is FINALLY starting to listen to me :) It was a beautiful day to be outside. My run didn't consist of much thinking but listening to music and pushing myself through the distance. Running really is a mental thing. If you don't talk yourself out of quitting you probably will stop and walk.
My thinking really didn't start until I got home from the run and had an hour to get ready for dinner with my boyfriend and his family and our friends. I am happier than ever right now. I am a year away from graduation, training for a half-marathon, living in this perfect town, I have a family that supports me, friends that care about me, and a boyfriend that loves me unconditionally. I could not be more blessed right now. I'm living in the present which is not something I normally do (I'm a dreamer!) but what can get better than this? I don't write this to gloat but to say that you can find happiness in anything if you search deep enough. Some people search in all the wrong places and can't find what they are looking for. Find joy in what is in your life at the moment. You don't get a second chance. Spend each day thankful for what you have and don't sulk on the bad things. (I'm still working on this daily!)
Okay, now I'm preaching. Sorry. I just wanted to let you know training is going great and this next week is going to be a challenge in balancing my school life, training, social life, work life, and finding time to sleep. Wish me luck and I'll keep you posted very shortly on how life is going in Kayla-ville.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Good-morning blog readers! Today is the 10th of February and it's my boyfriend's 21st - FINALLY! :D
Today was my fourth day of training. Running is the best therapy! I think about anything and everything on my runs. Today was only three miles but when you get on a runners high you lose track of time, distance, and your location. I also didn't go to bed until three a.m. last night so I did a lot of thinking then as well.
I did the worst thing a girlfriend can do on their boyfriends birthday. I fell asleep and didn't call at midnight. :/ That could be a reason I was up until three because I got a quick power nap in until I woke up around 12:34 and realized I had missed it. I know to some people that's not a big deal because you would rather be asleep at midnight on your birthday but 1. It was his 21st and 2. I would have been so irate if I didn't get my midnight call. So I began to think about expectations. Everyone sets expectations. Whether it be for yourself, of other people, of situations, or just in general how your day is going to go. When those expectations aren't met you get disappointed. Disappointed. I hate that word. It's worse than angry or mad. The one phrase a kid (should) never want to hear from their parents is "I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed." Man did I get that phrase a lot in high school. Anyways, disappointment is one of those things that is completely preventable. Yes, you might slip up or make bad decisions but in the end it's on you that you disappointed someone. Anger and being mad comes from intentionally doing something to piss someone off. I guess being the rebel of the family anger and being mad didn't effect me as much as disappointment.
When you have expectations of other people and they don't meet them, politely tell them what's wrong. It's better to know than to just be sit there wondering what did I do wrong. If you want something done your way you have to tell people. I guess that's why I always seem to get my way. I state my opinion way too often. I have a tendency to place a lot of expectation on myself. Well and on other people as well. I only expect the best out of myself and nothing less. I give 100% all the time and if I'm exhausted at the end of the day, so be it. I gave it my all. That's where I have a problem. The expectations I have of myself, I expect everyone else to be on the same page as me. That's why I do not work well in groups. If there is a lot of work to be done, I tend to put it on myself because I don't know if everyone will pull their weight to make things happen. I know this is annoying and people tend to dislike me after group projects because they feel like they didn't get a say in things. I'm working hard on a project for one of my classes now and I feel exactly like this. I enjoy doing the work but it's not far to everyone else who wants to do something. But on the flip side, slackers just make me mad. If you don't want to put in the same amount of effort as everyone else in the group, get out. I don't need my work to be anything less than 100%.
I guess realizing my faults is making me mature as a women. I believe everyone has something they can work on. I just think my list is a little longer than everyone else's because I put so much expectation on myself to be/do everything. I don't think that this expectations are faults but maybe that much pressure is a bad thing. In conclusion, it's okay to have expectations of people. If you get disappointed, try and talk/work it out. Don't just sit there with it on your mind. It will only eat at you and make you disgusted in that other person. Also, know that other people are capable of meeting your expectations. When I say (type) these things I'm doing so for myself as well as whoever it may help/inspire. These are reminders for me to know that I'm allowed to share work loads and I'm allowed to not be 100% perfect all the time (because I'm far from it). People are unique individuals and everyone is completely different. Make sure you take that into consideration when you set your expectations. Live and learn and make mistakes. It's what develops you as a person.
Respect yourself and other people,
Today was my fourth day of training. Running is the best therapy! I think about anything and everything on my runs. Today was only three miles but when you get on a runners high you lose track of time, distance, and your location. I also didn't go to bed until three a.m. last night so I did a lot of thinking then as well.
I did the worst thing a girlfriend can do on their boyfriends birthday. I fell asleep and didn't call at midnight. :/ That could be a reason I was up until three because I got a quick power nap in until I woke up around 12:34 and realized I had missed it. I know to some people that's not a big deal because you would rather be asleep at midnight on your birthday but 1. It was his 21st and 2. I would have been so irate if I didn't get my midnight call. So I began to think about expectations. Everyone sets expectations. Whether it be for yourself, of other people, of situations, or just in general how your day is going to go. When those expectations aren't met you get disappointed. Disappointed. I hate that word. It's worse than angry or mad. The one phrase a kid (should) never want to hear from their parents is "I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed." Man did I get that phrase a lot in high school. Anyways, disappointment is one of those things that is completely preventable. Yes, you might slip up or make bad decisions but in the end it's on you that you disappointed someone. Anger and being mad comes from intentionally doing something to piss someone off. I guess being the rebel of the family anger and being mad didn't effect me as much as disappointment.
When you have expectations of other people and they don't meet them, politely tell them what's wrong. It's better to know than to just be sit there wondering what did I do wrong. If you want something done your way you have to tell people. I guess that's why I always seem to get my way. I state my opinion way too often. I have a tendency to place a lot of expectation on myself. Well and on other people as well. I only expect the best out of myself and nothing less. I give 100% all the time and if I'm exhausted at the end of the day, so be it. I gave it my all. That's where I have a problem. The expectations I have of myself, I expect everyone else to be on the same page as me. That's why I do not work well in groups. If there is a lot of work to be done, I tend to put it on myself because I don't know if everyone will pull their weight to make things happen. I know this is annoying and people tend to dislike me after group projects because they feel like they didn't get a say in things. I'm working hard on a project for one of my classes now and I feel exactly like this. I enjoy doing the work but it's not far to everyone else who wants to do something. But on the flip side, slackers just make me mad. If you don't want to put in the same amount of effort as everyone else in the group, get out. I don't need my work to be anything less than 100%.
I guess realizing my faults is making me mature as a women. I believe everyone has something they can work on. I just think my list is a little longer than everyone else's because I put so much expectation on myself to be/do everything. I don't think that this expectations are faults but maybe that much pressure is a bad thing. In conclusion, it's okay to have expectations of people. If you get disappointed, try and talk/work it out. Don't just sit there with it on your mind. It will only eat at you and make you disgusted in that other person. Also, know that other people are capable of meeting your expectations. When I say (type) these things I'm doing so for myself as well as whoever it may help/inspire. These are reminders for me to know that I'm allowed to share work loads and I'm allowed to not be 100% perfect all the time (because I'm far from it). People are unique individuals and everyone is completely different. Make sure you take that into consideration when you set your expectations. Live and learn and make mistakes. It's what develops you as a person.
Respect yourself and other people,
Monday, February 7, 2011
Super Bowl Sunday
Super Bowl Sunday.... oh what a fun day. I have never been a big NFL fan and I'm still not. BUT football in general is always fun to watch. Yesterday, the Green Bay Packers played the Pittsburgh Steelers. I couldn't tell you two people on the team are minus the quarterbacks but I always find a reason to throw a party.
I had a few friends over for the game yesterday and it was a pretty divided house. One of my friends is from Pittsburgh and his Mom is a huge Steelers fan (she was at the game, lucky). So it was a lot of fun to help someone else pull for their team.
Seeing how my major is events, it's always fun to plan and host events. Seeing people happy makes me happy even if I do like to have things my way. Let's just say it's a good thing I'm still in college for this stuff. I am a terrible planner of food. I either have WAY too much or too little of something else. This Catering & Events class this semester should help me manage that better. :) The party was still a lot of fun and nice to have so many friends around.
Commercials this year = I don't know what to think. I feel like marketing teams are trying way too hard when they could use the simple things to make the commercials hilarious. Half-time was by far the best thing about the game yesterday. Black Eyed Peas, although their song "Tonight's Gonna Be a Good Night" is way over played, they put on a great show for the world.
Another thing I love about the Super Bowl is it's the end of football season. That means it's one step closer to MARCH MADNESS!!! That is by far my favorite month of the year. Now, I do not watch college basketball because every year I have watched it, my bracket is so bad. The years I don't watch, until March, I get second place every year. I've seen a few games so I'm hoping it's not so bad this year.
I know this wasn't like my normal blogs but just some thoughts while I have some free time. ha
Until Next Time,

Seeing how my major is events, it's always fun to plan and host events. Seeing people happy makes me happy even if I do like to have things my way. Let's just say it's a good thing I'm still in college for this stuff. I am a terrible planner of food. I either have WAY too much or too little of something else. This Catering & Events class this semester should help me manage that better. :) The party was still a lot of fun and nice to have so many friends around.
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^^Awful Commercials yesterday^^ |
Another thing I love about the Super Bowl is it's the end of football season. That means it's one step closer to MARCH MADNESS!!! That is by far my favorite month of the year. Now, I do not watch college basketball because every year I have watched it, my bracket is so bad. The years I don't watch, until March, I get second place every year. I've seen a few games so I'm hoping it's not so bad this year.
I know this wasn't like my normal blogs but just some thoughts while I have some free time. ha
Until Next Time,
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Half-Marathon Training
This weather is getting on my nerves. During the week, it's pouring and we can barely get to class without getting pneumonia. And then on the weekends it is gorgeous. I'm definitely not complaining about the sun being out for two days I just wish it would stay a little longer. I have always said I want to move to a big city after graduation and Chicago, Seattle, and San Diego have always been at the top of my list after Atlanta. I'm going to have to scratch Seattle off for sure! and Chicago I might just have to live there for one year; move there in the Spring time and as soon as the winter season starts, start looking for a new place in a warmer city. haha
Speaking of weather though, my half-marathon training has gotten off to an extremely slow start this year. On January 1st, I was suppose to start training and run a half-marathon by Spring Break. WELL, thanks to this glorious weather and my lack of effort, I have post-pond my training until... NOW! Tomorrow starts my 6 week training to complete a half-marathon. I know it's not a long time to train but I've been running and working out so I feel like I am capable of this challenge. Here is my schedule:
The biggest challenge will be not ever running 13.1 miles until the day of the race. Also, if you have any ideas on XT (XT = Cross-training) activities PLEASE let me know. I'm not that great at swimming and I don't have a bike, the only option I have right now is to do the elliptical and strength training. The race I intend to register for is the Publix Georgia Marathon/Half-Marathon on March 20, 2011. That will be the last Saturday of Spring Break. :/ BUT I promised myself and Mrs. Cindy, this race was going to happen this year. No excuses. I'm going to need a lot of motivation to stick with this training schedule and to stay on top of my school work. I will be writing a lot on my journey through this. This is something I have wanted to do since my freshman year at college. Let's get this marked off my Bucket List and move on to the FULL marathon :)
Happy Super Bowl Sunday!
Speaking of weather though, my half-marathon training has gotten off to an extremely slow start this year. On January 1st, I was suppose to start training and run a half-marathon by Spring Break. WELL, thanks to this glorious weather and my lack of effort, I have post-pond my training until... NOW! Tomorrow starts my 6 week training to complete a half-marathon. I know it's not a long time to train but I've been running and working out so I feel like I am capable of this challenge. Here is my schedule:
Mon. | Tues. | Wed. | Thurs. | Frid. | Sat. | Sun. |
30-min XT | 3-mi EZ | Rest | 3-mi EZ | 40-min XT | 6-mi LNG | Rest |
30-min XT | 3.5-mi EZ | Rest | 3.5-mi EZ | 45-min XT | 7-mi LNG | Rest |
30-min XT | 4-mi EZ | Rest | 4-mi EZ | 50-min XT | 8-mi LNG | Rest |
30-min XT | 4.5-mi EZ | Rest | 4.5-mi EZ | 55-min XT | 9-mi LNG | Rest |
30-min XT | 5-mi EZ | Rest | 5-mi EZ | 60-min XT | 10-mi LNG | Rest |
30-min XT | 6-mi EZ | Rest | 2-mi EZ | Rest | HALF MARATHON | Rest |
The biggest challenge will be not ever running 13.1 miles until the day of the race. Also, if you have any ideas on XT (XT = Cross-training) activities PLEASE let me know. I'm not that great at swimming and I don't have a bike, the only option I have right now is to do the elliptical and strength training. The race I intend to register for is the Publix Georgia Marathon/Half-Marathon on March 20, 2011. That will be the last Saturday of Spring Break. :/ BUT I promised myself and Mrs. Cindy, this race was going to happen this year. No excuses. I'm going to need a lot of motivation to stick with this training schedule and to stay on top of my school work. I will be writing a lot on my journey through this. This is something I have wanted to do since my freshman year at college. Let's get this marked off my Bucket List and move on to the FULL marathon :)
Happy Super Bowl Sunday!
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